
The Rhetoric and Reality of Race

The racial conscious­ness and discourse of the West was forged on slave ships carrying human car­gos into the Caribbean and the Americas. The search for agricultural commodi­ties and profits from the ex­treme exploitation of Black people, deemed as less than human, gave birth to the notion of racial inequality.

Race Has Always Mattered

   The institutionalization of racial difference codified white peoples’ refusal to grant Blacks such basic democratic rights as citizenship, access to the legal system and the right to vote.

White Privilege Aided By Minimizing Race

The ongoing reality of white privilege cannot be overemphasized and should never be minimized. Why? As the face of racism, white privilege perpetuates America’s foundational tenet, i.e., to control and oppress people on the basis of race or ethnicit

Empowerment Requires Unaccustomed Unity

We must never minimize the fundamental importance of being unified especially since Blacks have not been unified on key social, political, economic and ethical issues for many years.