Restoring Hope
When people are going through tough times and we want to help them feel better and restore hope, what do we do? How can we best serve them when they have lost everything?
When people are going through tough times and we want to help them feel better and restore hope, what do we do? How can we best serve them when they have lost everything?
It was the night after Christmas and all through the house, nobody was stirring, not even a mouse. We normally associate this line with a popular story about the night before Christmas, but as I was reflecting, I realized there are people who feel such a letdown the day after Christmas, and I think it is because we get our priorities a little out of whack.
As for me and my house, Jesus is the reason for the season. As the story goes, Jesus came into this world with humble beginnings, was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and was laid in a manager because there was no room for him in the inn.
The word “holiday” originates from an old English term meaning “holy day.” Over the years, however, much of the holiness has been lost, and holidays have become more secular.
One could say we live in wicked times, literally and figuratively. The word wicked has multiple meanings and could be considered an oxymoron. Depending on who and how it is being used, it could mean something is evil or morally wrong, but if someone refers to something as wickedly good, it usually means extremely good.
Several weeks ago, I shared I was going to do a short self-imposed sabbatical to reflect, relax, rest, and restore my inner peace to end the year strong and start the new year with enthusiasm. While I was planning to get away for a few days, the word the Lord kept putting in my spirit was unshakable.
Over the past couple of years, I learned that several of my colleagues and friends were able to experience sabbaticals. What caught me by surprise when I heard this news was whenever I heard about sabbaticals, it was connected to the academic world. I did not know those of us in the nonprofit world should consider this philosophy.
When we are trying to get somewhere it is important that we not only have the right plan and directions, but it is equally important that we have the right vehicle. Every mode of transportation is not necessarily the right vessel to get you where you want to go. This is true not only geographically, but also in life.
October marks the beginning of the fourth quarter. Often when we hear references to being in the fourth quarter we think of sports. The fourth quarter is usually when the players put everything on the line to win the game. If they have already done well, they continue to sprint forward and if they are behind, they muster up all the energy they can to win the game.
Around 10 years ago, while attending the Congressional Black Caucus, I decided to convince a few friends to go on a drive into Virginia to visit a place called the Salamander Resort & Spa. I was fascinated by it because it was the brainchild of Sheila Johnson, co-founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET) and the CEO of Salamander Hotels and Resorts. As a successful African American businesswoman who made a conscious effort to have an amazing and prosperous third act of her life, she set out to do things she had only dreamed of previously. Our third act usually
I enjoy the various seasons throughout the year and I like them for different reasons. We are about to embark on Fall also known as Autumn, which symbolizes change. Fall can mean many things to different people, but it represents harvest time where we reap the rewards from the hard work, we put in the seasons prior. It also represents maturity. Those of us who are in the “fall” season of our lives have gone through many lessons to reach maturity and hopefully acquired some wisdom along the way. Part of that wisdom is learning when to let some things
There is a children’s song about friendship that shares the importance of making new friends but keeping the old for some are silver and others are gold. What is interesting about these lyrics is that we must value those who come into our lives and remember they are valuable, but some hold a special place in our hearts and lives forever.
There are a lot of unfinished or unfulfilled promises we experience during our lifetime, but one promise we all hope to achieve is that America will live up to the hopes and dreams of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence for all mankind. Although this country belonged to the Native Americans before anyone ever crossed the ocean to so call discover it, immigrants have been coming here for generations hoping for a better life for themselves and their families.
People of mixed heritage have been part of the fabric of America since the beginning. Ironically, some white people feel superior to people of color but have no problem sleeping with them, therefore the birth of mixed races.
I have been a small Black woman-owned business for close to three decades and I can tell you it is not easy. Although I have worked in various markets, I have always felt the sting of being judged because of my gender and the color of my skin whenever I was competing in the mainstream arena. I felt the need to under promise and always over deliver to just be considered. However, my community has always embraced me and provided me with the guidance and support that I needed to grow and expand over the years to be successful,