Ukraine, Refugees and Racism
Our hearts, prayers and support are with the people of Ukraine. But there is also an even greater tragedy occurring – “racism” and we see its presence in the midst of this war.
Our hearts, prayers and support are with the people of Ukraine. But there is also an even greater tragedy occurring – “racism” and we see its presence in the midst of this war.
When the Build Back Better Act passed the House of Representatives last year, there was some excitement about a provision in it authorizing a payroll tax credit for local news organizations.
Veterans Day was created as “Armistice Day” on November 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. It became a national holiday by an act of Congress in 1938. As we honor the memory of those who served in this great conflict, separately and apart from other occasions honoring our War service members, let us not forget the special struggles of Black Veterans, especially during the years following World War I.
When the Congress no longer works under the Constitution that created it, then we have “deconstructed democracy” in favor of autocracy.
While a great deal of time and attention is being given to the many sins and acts of evil by Republicans and the Ultra Right who believe that their privileges are greater than our democracy, it is important to remember that “We the People” hold the keys to our own deliverance. There are more of us than them as evidenced by the last election which placed President Joe Biden in the White House instead of a second term for Trump. The Bible says “we have not because we ask not, and when we ask, we ask for the wrong things”.
Those who chose not to be vaccinated have a right to their positions, but not a right to put the lives of others at risk.
This inclusion of the people carries with it “public comment” which is the opportunity for the people
This is a painful commentary. Humanity demands that we all be treated with fairness. This country has boasted the guarantee to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Those who live in a world without such assurances hear what we say and see thequality of life that even our poorest of citizens appear to enjoy. So we don’t blame the Haitians for doing what each of us would do if we were in their shoes.
San Diego County was one of the first to overwhelmingly report a vote against the recall and it only went downhill from there for the recall supporters.
It appears that some well known organizations are receiving grants and contracts because of their name recognition rather than a verification as to whether they can perform the needed task.
Let’s not sleep on this one