Dr. Jeanette Parker

Aaaw, Come on Now. Let’s Get Real!

Well, what church do they go to? I sure don’t know what they’re teaching!? Isn’t that embarrassing when people say something like that? Some where people have expectations of people who say they’re Christian. If they’re drinking and brawling, carousing …either the onlookers might say, “He/she couldn’t be Christian and acting like that!! Could they?

Success On “The Way” Ask Dr. Jeanette: ‘The Left Hand And The Right Hand!!???’

Mae Mae (my mother)  used to say, “Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” In the context of her statement, it was most likely brokered with a lot of wisdom. She was saying, don’t tell all your business to one person or one friend. Don’t show all your feelings out in the open. The one you tell all to may be the one who might hurt you more. The problem with that kind of thinking is that you cannot and should not live in this world as a loner.

Success On “The Way” Ask Dr. Jeanette: Lust

Too many people are lusting and don’t know they are; because it’s defined narrowly by “sex.” When lust is narrowly defined, people who are committing lustful acts find a way of escape…may say, “I’m not committing adultery or fornication?? Not an alcoholic or drug addict. There are other lusts besides indulgence.