Racism lies in the bloodstream of “The World System” under the influence of the adversary. “Scourge”: a person or thing that causes great trouble, oppression; severe punishment; affliction. [Merriam Webster]; sounds like racism to me. During The Kavanaugh hearings for Supreme Court Justice, I have heard commentators make’ derogatory remarks like “old White men.” It’s not isolated to people of color; it’ssymptomatic of a deeper diseased spiritual issue; at its source is endemic hatred, a characteristic seemingly more prevalent in our country.
Yes. I know I’m speaking strongly. Conscience needs washing and purging. More deeply at issue: many are against others for no rational reason…not conscious of their sickness because they are presumptuous in their conviction of being right by not examining their speech and actions. They know. It’s been brought to their attention, yet it’s practiced…engrained, saturated into the fabric of our society like liquid in a sponge. Bible commentators, purveyors of the Gospel [need to] take responsibility too.
They have helped and either are or have been and continue to engender this epidemic of hate by continuously using the word “race” in books, commentaries and sermons. Some biblical written materials need editing and reprinting. The Dake Bible publishers did that, although, it still needs some editing. What has happened is they have participated in perpetration of subtle false teaching. It’s hard to explain because it’s saturated. Let’s examine ourselves. God Almighty help us to purge, cleanse conscience. It’s a condemning commentary on the “The Church,” which needs to come clean, turn and stop deceiving people for population.
When is the revival? The morally conscious seems like there needs to be more deliberate prayer toward the problems of “the church” and society. Show evidence of “salt of the earth!” Racism scourge has run wild into society. We need to clean up the “House of God.” I think God is angry! Yes, He is. He wants a spotless “Church” without blemish or wrinkle. Yup. We’re all accountable. It is judgment on “The Church,” which will be chastised after so long a time not taking aggressive position against this contagious “scourge.” Some may mistakenly think this message is not for you…it’s only for white people. No. As previously stated, racism manifests itself like an octopus or lion spreading its tentacles to catch, devour whoever falls into its trap.
It’s Spiritual warfare, this scourge in this age. Before with whips and leather straps with metal spikes; now a new form…modern crucifixion. Instead of whips, it’s crept into most every walk of life into “the church.” People think they’re right??!! Any profession… it’s there wreaking havoc in lives, destroying families; fathers leaving their children due to great despair…many unable to support their families due to depression, unemployment, lack of resources.