Civil War

Ask Dr. Jeanette Success On “The Way”: Who’s The Greatest??

12.5 million Africans shipped during the Transatlantic Slave Trade, fewer than 388,000 arrived in the United States. In the late 15th century, the advancement of seafaring technologies created a new Atlantic that would change the world forever. As ships began connecting West Africa with Europe and the Americas, new fortunes were sought and native populations were decimated.

North Carolina Honors Former Slave Who Bought His Freedom

The state approved a historical marker for Lane, the sixth sign in Raleigh to honor a former slave. Sometime in June, said Ansley Wegner of the N.C. Highway Historical Marker Program, the man born property of Sherwood Haywood will be recognized on Edenton Street, just across the street from the Capitol where he sold pipes for 10 cents each.

Black Lawmaker Renews Call Against Texas Confederate Plaque

A Black Democratic lawmaker called on Texas to immediately remove a Confederate plaque in the state Capitol that rejects slavery as an underlying cause of the Civil War after the state’s attorney general said Wednesday that a legislative vote isn’t needed.

History Behind Juneteenth

In today’s modern world of cell phones, computers and the internet, it is easy to take for granted the sheer ease and expedience at the reach of our fingertips. Information, no matter how obscure, has never been easier to attain and the speed at which said information is attained is immediate. As products of today’s instant gratification society, many of us have become smug and complacent by the very technology that makes our lives so convenient, making it almost too easy to forget a time in which information could not be received nor sent with the rapidity of today’s gizmos

Face the Truth About Lynchings to Move Our Country Forward

The reckoning that began with the Civil Rights Movement has continued; the memorial is a testament to that. People of good will want the healing to continue. The vibrancy and prosperity of the New South requires that the healing continue. But to heal wounds, you have to take the shrapnel out first. To move to reconciliation, you must start with the truth. 

Black mayor: Remove Florida Capitol’s Confederate monument

The black mayor of Florida’s capital city stood in front of a 135-year-old Confederate monument in front of the state Capitol Saturday and said the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, now make it a priority to remove Confederate symbols like the ones he walked past every day of his life.

Supreme Court Unanimously Upholds Principle That Every Person Counts In Redistricting

The recent Supreme Court decision in Evenwel v. Abbott secures a major victory for voting rights and preserves a fair, stable rule for state and local governments, which may continue to rely on an inclusive “one person, one vote” standard that has long governed redistricting efforts. The decision also affirms one of the key principles—representational equality—which the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) has long supported before the Supreme Court and in jurisdictions throughout the country.