Brian K. Williams (File photo)

Deputy Mayor Brian K. Williams has been described as “the closest thing to a choir boy,” so on Tuesday, Dec. 17, when reports started coming in that FBI agents searched his home as part of an investigation into whether he made a bomb threat against City Hall, many who know the man found the allegations to be “impossible.”

The office of Mayor Karen Bass released a statement saying that Mayor Bass had been notified of Tuesday’s search at the residence of Williams, who serves as the deputy mayor for public safety overseeing LAPD, LAFD, Emergency Management Department, port police and airport police.

“Our initial investigation revealed that the source of the threat was likely from Brian Williams, Deputy Mayor for Public Safety,” the department said in a statement Wednesday. “Due to the Department’s working relationship with Mr. Williams, the investigation was referred to the FBI. The FBI remains the investigating agency.”

Williams’ attorney, Dmitry Gorin, told the Los Angeles Times that his client “strongly maintains his innocence and intends to vigorously fight the allegations.”  The Mayor’s office said that because of these allegations Williams had placed on administrative leave.

“The mayor takes this matter very seriously,” Mayor Bass’s office said in a statement “When the threat was reported, LAPD investigated and determined there was no immediate danger. Following additional investigation, LAPD referred this matter to the FBI for further investigation.”

Williams has not been arrested or charged, and Williams’ attorney said his client was cooperating with investigators.

“He has a lengthy career of public service and is presumed innocent of these allegations,” Gorin said.

Williams has spent nearly two years as a deputy mayor in Bass’ office, working on issues such as police hiring, public safety spending and the search for a new police chief.

As soon as the information came out that Brian K. Williams was being investigated for this many who know came to his defense.

“I am one of hundreds who have known Brian K. Williams as a husband, father, law-abiding citizen, responsible resident, and person of character and integrity, for over 30 years,” said Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, president of Ward Economic Development Corporation and Metro Commissioner.

“Brian has a history of service and has consistently been a champion in making a positive difference for the larger community and the underserved. He goes beyond the call of duty to correct wrong and advocates for what is right. Brian Williams has been a ‘giver’ and leader in creating a better standard of living for those who are voiceless,” noted Dupont-Walker.

“Most importantly, Brian Williams ‘walks the talk’ and leads with integrity. He has never, ever demonstrated anything other than loyalty and commitment to our city and our community.  So, for me, the allegations are unbelievable and nonsensible,” added Dupont-Walker.

Randy McKenzie, who has worked with Williams for years on service projects throughout Southern California and particularly in the Pasadena area where Williams and his family live, had similar comments about Williams.

“I have known Brian for over 15 years.  From his work in our fraternity (Alpha Phi Alpha) and our community from Pasadena to Los Angeles he exemplifies manly deeds.  He functions with honor whenever I have worked with him.  May the truth set him free,” declared McKenzie.

Along with the outpouring of support and disbelief of these allegations Williams’ resume is one that speaks of his impeccable character.  Prior to serving in the Bass administration, Williams was the executive director of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission, president and CEO of Junior Achievement of Southern California, executive director of Southern California Leadership Network, assistant city manager for the City of Pasadena, and assistant city attorney for the City of Los Angeles.

Williams is a member of the California Bar, a graduate of UCLA Law School, and a member of Ward AME Church, 100 Black Men, The Boulé, and several other community service organizations.

Brandon Lamar, a Pasadena community activist who was recently elected to serve as president of the Pasadena NAACP, said, “This is hard to believe. Brian Williams has been a pillar in our community for years, tirelessly advocating for change and justice.  These allegations just don’t align with the person we know.  I truly hope the truth comes to light and I hope just as much effort is put into uncovering who might be behind this attempt to defame this man’s character,” added Lamar.

Williams’ pastor, the Rev. Dr. Larry E. Campbell of First AME Church in Pasadena, expressed similar comments, stating that it “strains credulity that a person who served as Deputy Mayor in two different administrations, a decades long member of the California Bar would engage in such an irresponsible (and silly) act as calling in a bomb threat on his workplace.”

Attesting to Williams “outstanding character and strong faith,” Campbell said, “For decades, Brian has not only built a reputation as a dedicated civic leader and extremely competent professional, but also as a loving husband, a faithful father and a resource person for all in the community.  His integrity and probity are unquestioned.”

Scott Sanders, recently retired from L.A. County Probation Department and Williams’ friend for more than 30 years, also described Williams as “a man of high morality and upstanding character” as well as a “faithful loving provider for his wife and two sons.”

Noting that Williams is a mentor to young Black men in the community by, Sanders said, “I have witnessed him give of his own time and volunteer at homeless shelters and homes for seniors not for recognition, but because he cares about the lives of people.”

Dr. Campbell raised a point that the allegations may be deliberate considering Williams long career as a public servant who “courageously worked for transparency on behalf of the citizens of Los Angeles County, which has placed a huge target on his back.”

“Given the animus levied towards Mr. Williams by certain agencies he had the duty to oversee, let us also beware of those who muddy the waters ‘intentionally’ with smear campaigns. Careless gossip, unfounded accusations, or malicious intent can destroy years of goodwill and trust – which may, in fact, be the purpose of the allegations!  I urge each member of our community to consider the weight of their words before speaking and to strive for kindness and understanding in all interactions,” advised Campbell.

Speaking even more bluntly, Sanders said, “Brian is the best man that I know, and I absolutely do not believe one word of the recent allegations that have been leveled against him. This attack on his character is a travesty and I have no doubt that he will be cleared completely and made whole. I along with a host of others are standing with Brian while the matter is being investigated because we know that these allegations go against who Brian is and what he stands for.”