Go To Jail???!!!!Not My Children!!!!
We have millions of workforce energy stored in prisons, jails.
We have millions of workforce energy stored in prisons, jails.
Don’t waste your life in pleasure and folly if you want the ultimately blissful hereafter!
The Father will supply you with whatever you ask according to His limitless riches
Following God’s way ensures choosing life!
The fact that he and other basketball players got into North Korea is astounding!
I can tell you; good judgement and follow through is critical to success in life
How we come across is significantly valuable to observe as to the responses received from others
It’s difficult to pivot from artist to contract reader and be equipped to understand contracts
Many U.S. citizens want to have their own way
Many do not fulfill their dreams in life block themselves because of prejudice
President Barack Obama encouraged us to persevere and dream
He found a “niche” of constituents; millions of potential voters were tired of the same old “okee doke and song and dance”
Prognosticate good for you and for others, our nation and our leaders
Have you noticed people like to see you become unglued or want to entangle you in your words?
The “system” works only for some