Prognosticate: a good word: foretell, prophecy, predict, tell the future. Prognosticate for my vocabulary is positive and allows opportunity to concentrate on good, positive things the future can bring. Prognosticate good through hope. That which has already occurred gives us knowledge for making future wise choices. History does repeat itself, but; for this instance, we’re talking our daily lives. Let us live the here and now, learning from experience. Learning from life’s teachings and those of others affords us a better hopeful opportunity to prognosticate the future.
Remembering the past undesirables, use that knowledge to nurture ourselves and others so as we are not repeating the same difficult circumstances. Be bold! Prognosticate your future for the good! Some people just don’t take advantage of their mistakes and missteps to change their future and those of their children.
You cannot always get out of everything so easily. It’s easy to get in, but predicament to get out; if you discover and learn that the situation you find yourself in is no better than one you were trying to get away from.
Don’t enroll in “learning from the school of hard knocks”. You don’t need to go to “hard knocks school!” Cancel your enrollment in that school! What steps did you take to get into the situation/circumstances that you find yourself in.
Many people are content in their life conditions. That’s a good thing! They’re not looking at what not to do to avoid difficult circumstances [maybe they are?] Even for those persons who are content, they may be striving for something and prognosticating positive good to help others. You see, [and I know you know this]; not everything is about “me.” Have you experienced someone you know who spits out hateful statements on you? If you listen to prognostication of negative spit out about you, if you accept those words and allow them to be imbedded into your heart, your future could be damaged irreparably……? Spoken words take on their own life, words which can inspire, revive or destroy. Words are powerful! Prognosticate good for you and for others, our nation and our leaders. Speak not damaging prognostications against yourself and others.” See, here’s the thing; just because you think one way about something does not mean that the other person is thinking what you are thinking and shares your viewpoint.
“When God calls you, be ready!” Be encouraged! You might be surprised to learn that not everyone is against you, but prognosticating a good future for you. Do all your best to speak kind, uplifting words and alert that piercing negative words spit out can prognosticate devastating negative things for your future. Be wise!
Listen to good! Think things through! Teach your children at home. Jeanette Grattan Parker, Ph.D. Superintendent/Founder-Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw BL., LA 90043 323-293-9826 [writer, artist, educator, speaker, marriage expert (50+) Writings are copyright: “Will You Marry Me” and “Inquiring Minds Want To Know.”] [email protected].