Who doesn’t want “The Good Life?” It’s desirable for 2018. I thought this standard would be what folks want. Please Enjoy!
A cry from God’s heart: William Wilberforce, a member of England’s parliament at the turn of the nineteenth century, was a Christian with a passion for righteous justice. After his conversion, he became convinced that slavery was an offense to God and committed his life to ending it. At first, it seemed that everything was stacked against him. All England seemed to benefit from this horrid practice.
Shipyards provided employment through slave ship construction; ironworkers made the chains to bind the slaves. The sugar and cotton trades were central to the slavery-based economy. Wilberforce set out to change the mind of the nation. In parliament and elsewhere, he spoke tirelessly against the slave trade for nearly fifty years. As a result of his efforts, slavery was abolished in England in 1807 and throughout British colonies by 1833. God is just and upright in all he does. Therefore he longs for his people to have a passion for justice that will lead them to follow the example of people like Wilberforce and the prophet Amos. He longs to change the mind and heart of a nation and to show its people how to live lives that reflect his character.
Living as God intended:Tom had just bought a beautiful new car. As he drove away, the salesman’s final word was: “Remember, sir, to read the manual. It will tell you how to get the best performance out of your car.” Uninterested, Tom just wanted to drive it as fast and as far as he could…thinking…“What authority do the manufacturers have to tell me how to use my car?” In one sense, Tom was right.
The manufacturers had no legal authority to make him read the manual. Their authority was based on knowledge: They had designed the car, and they knew how it worked and how to care for it. Tom understood their perspective only too well when he burned out the engine a few months later. Now change the characters. The book you are holding is the “Manufacturer’s Instructions” on life. Our Creator has given us the Bible to help us understand. We’re not forced to read the Bible, but invited to be wise, read it and heed its instruction. Of course, this analogy is limited. God does have authority over us and will one day hold us accountable for our actions.
Through the centuries, he’s given us good laws to guide us. Now choose the good life, for you and your children. Following God’s way ensures choosing life! Teach the children.
Quoted from “Path Articles: Christian Growth Study Bible Youth With A Mission” Zondervan Publishers; Acknowledgement to: Project Management and editorial; Interior Design; Cover Design, Interior Proofreading; Interior typesetting; Printing and binding.
Jeanette Grattan Parker is Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School: author, speaker. [email protected]