I think you cannot help but notice that a whole lot of people are angry. There is a lot of finger pointing and angry words being spewed out. I wonder if everyone who has been marching and spitting out angry words knows what they are angry about…..Well, the best I can determine the biggy is that Hillary Clinton was not elected and some people are angry about that. They never suspected she would not win. It really threw them off. But, not everyone who runs for the Presidential Office will win. [that’s a gratuitous statement] There is only one seat. Some people are so angry, they want to hurt others and yell and scream and stomp their feet.
Haven’t you seen little children in the grocery store, restaurant, etc. who didn’t get what they wanted? They had built up their expectations and desire so passionately that they had an angry fit because they did not get what they wanted. You have heard of the man or lover who had been jilted or told no and say, “Well, if I can’t have you he/she can’t have you either.” Then one flies into a murderous rage and kills the other one. Some of these actions are really insane. It’s like taking a piece of cloth and pulling and yanking on it and tearing it until it is a useless old torn up rag. There is a rippling current of discontent in the United States.
Many U.S. citizens want to have their own way. We need think more positive. That behavior is destructive to our country. Democrats look for Republicans to make a move, wrong or right, so they can be persecuted and distracted from running the country and carrying out plans. It appears that Republicans have calmed down some. I hope so. Enough already. Let’s move forward and stop being angry and revengeful. Our residents have needs to be met: health insurance, housing, education, medical, transportation, safety at home and abroad….. Our young people have much temptation to drink, smoke and use drugs. The young 18 year old plummeted to her death from the roof Angry Bull Saloon. Hartford police had alerted state liquor officials about suspected underage drinking at the establishment.
She had fake ID. [Dave Altimari and CHRISTINE DEMPSEYand JORDAN OTERO SISSON [Hartford Currant] Young people need to value themselves. Another life wasted. Let’s encourage our young folks to life. Have you heard about counterfeit cigarettes are being sold? Counterfeit cigarettes contain higher levels of nicotine, more harmful carbon monoxide and can incorporate an unhealthy mix of chemicals including arsenic, cadmium, benzene and formaldehyde. The penalty for selling counterfeit cigarettes could be prison, fines, confiscation of the illicit products and seizure of the proceeds of their crime. Not People can die from using them. Never Give Up! Teach your children at home.
Jeanette Grattan Parker, Ph.D. Founder-Today’s Fresh Start Charter Schools, 4514 Crenshaw BL., LA 90043 323-293-9826 [writer, artist, educator, speaker, marriage expert (50+) Writings are copyright: “Will You Marry Me” and “Inquiring Minds Want To Know.”] [email protected].