Well, it makes a lot of difference. What is “it?” “It” can encompass many aspects. Some things are of little or no significance. Perhaps. On the other hand, what we think as not important today and may seem insignificant for now, may in the long run you find to be very significant. Just wait until you get to know a person and then it all starts “hanging out.” The true self. You realize years later the significance of the insignificance. Sometimes it may be a person’s habits; which at the beginning you see no evidence of their actions to be important; but you see later, in the future you realize that “it” was very important and quite significant.
Let’s say, you meet someone and they smoke, drink and is a slick liar. You like this person and you start to convince yourself that it’s not important and you think you are going to change the person. Forget it! You cannot change people! You look around and see that person’s bad habits balloon to massive proportions, smokes packs of cigarettes and drinks. What about googling other men or women. My point being that “bad habits” regardless of what they are, escalate if not checked. Could be he/she was hiding it all along and says “Gotcha!” If you go through life saying “what difference does it make”, chances are you won’t progress. You will miss your calling.
Why? Because the person is not serious about the direction of their life and poor judgement. I can tell you; good judgement and follow through is critical to success in life. Bad judgement leads to bad decisions to a staggering life; going through life with no set direction; hopping from one thing to another. Another factor in saying, “What difference does it make?” means you do not follow through; you leave things hanging and tasks and duties incomplete and not well thought out. There are millions of people who do not see a task through to completion, dotting every “i” and crossing every “t.” It means being accurate and paying attention. Many people don’t pay attention to life’s signs. They don’t pay attention to what people say to them either.
They just sort of float around through life aimlessly and don’t watch. What a pity, no vision, no expectations, not listening to God or wise advice and counsel. Some people are given instructions and don’t know what next step to take. You have to move them verbally to be instructed 3, 4, 5 times on the same thing. Big problem, which may be a sign of fear, ignorance, lack of knowledge or a combination of all. What do we say to these things, “Never Give Up!” Teach the children.
Jeanette Grattan Parker, Ph.D., Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School; speaker, marriage expert after 50+ years. All rights reserved copyright: Will You Marry Me; Inquiring Minds Want to Know. [email protected]; www.todaysfreshstart.org;
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