Millions of people are still reeling in the head dizzy and drunk with disbelief that Donald Trump is now our new President Elect–and soon to be President of the United States of America. We have a lot of work ahead. WHAT HAPPENED?? Well, lots of people are still trying to figure that out. Let’s move ahead. The timing element may be beyond our direct understanding played into the process. In other words, many things were working together to bring Trump’s election to fruition. Some reported Trump had been eyeing the U.S. Presidential Office. As he considered and thought through, he observed how the system works inside, knew what was happening and how to work the system and be able to help others. He wisely chose an opportune moment to act and he did–after deep, methodical preparation! Not many (maybe a few) were privy to his bizarre approach or how he was going to go about capturing that segment of millions of people and pull them out to get their vote. Even as he moved through the mission, the White House in view, an unusual personal political strategy emerged. Studying the terrain, he correctly understood millions of Americans were “on deck” waiting. He found a “niche” of constituents; millions of potential voters were tired of the same old “okee doke and song and dance” not realizing accomplishments, not seeing some things come about which they had hoped for and expected. There were times [I believe] he did not truly know if he would win or not. He persisted. He prevailed. The inner city challenges appear hopeless [I don’t believe they are.].
Hundreds of thousands of people are jobless. Our own young people are killing each other. Prisons are filled with young and old raised without fathers. Regulations are pregnant, multiplying, strangling progress and businesses.
Elderly people are expected to read volumes of information mailed to them. School staff labor night and day to educate and care for our children. [teacher shortage too embarrassing to talk about]. The education of our children [our most important asset] are shamefully neglected with a power structure that enslaves youthful minds. That’s the not so good news. Wait! Wake Up!! We can do something important! We have power! Let’s hold Mr. Trump and other elected officials accountable. Elected officials have power, who can use it wisely and not be enslaved to the dictatorial “power structure” and seek support from the constituent sector to avoid being controlled by the “power structure.” Mr. Trump said he would help in all these areas, cut through the bureaucracy, more jobs and better education system and more. I’m holding him to his word and our other elected officials too.
Teach your children at home.
Jeanette Grattan Parker, Ph.D. Founder-Today’s Fresh Start Charter Schools, 4514 Crenshaw BL., LA 90043 323-293-9826 [writer, artist, educator, speaker, marriage expert (50+) Writings are copyright: “Will You Marry Me” and “Inquiring Minds Want To Know.”] [email protected].