University of California

Some Californians Say Moving from Natural Gas to Electricity Will Cost Too Much

About a month ago, business and political representatives from more than 20 cities across the Inland Empire  – a metropolitan area east of Los Angeles that covers parts of Riverside and San Bernardino counties – held a press conference in the city of Riverside. At the meeting, they sounded off against new California Energy Commission and California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) rules designed to move energy users away from natural gas, toward electric power.

The Dream Continues: 2019 Los Angeles Training Camp

The Los Angeles Rams announced today their complete 2019 Training Camp schedule, which will feature 7 open practices at the University of California, Irvine. Rookies report to UCI on Wednesday, July 24 and the remainder of the team will report to camp on Friday, July 26 (player arrival and availability information will be shared with the media at a later date).   

Reparations Must Include the Costs of Predatory Lending New University Studies Track High Costs of Discriminatory Housing

In recent years, the spate of homicides linked to questionable uses of deadly weapons and/or force, have prompted many activist organizations to call for racial reparations. From Trayvon Martin’s death in Florida, to Michael Brown’s in Missouri, Eric Garner’s in New York and many other deaths — a chorus of calls for reparations has mounted, even attracting interest among presidential candidates.  

Heated Charter School Debates Ignore One Key Fact: Black Students Are Underperforming In Our Schools

African American children are California’s lowest performing group of students, only above students with special needs. Only two percent of Black kids in the state attend schools that are considered “high performing.” And only 10 majority African American schools, located mostly in hard-to-count, high-poverty census tracts around the Bay Area and Los Angeles, score, on average, above the state math and language arts requirements.

Ciee Launches Social Media Campaign Celebrating the Brilliance of Frederick Douglass Global Fellows and The Benefits of Studying Abroad

The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) launched a social media campaign – #CIEEmpower #MSInspirational #FrederickDouglassGlobalFellows – to share the personal reflections of 20 extraordinary students who have studied abroad in the Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship program,  which is sponsored jointly by CIEE and the Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions.

California Lawmakers Continue Shift from Mass Incarceration

The recently completed California legislative session continued a yearslong effort to lower criminal sentences, ease restrictions on suspects, and keep juveniles out of adult prisons despite objections that the moves could harm public safety.

Success On “The Way” Ask Dr. Jeanette: “Technology: The Monster ”

Every industry trends toward digital transformation. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a human race disaster according to some and Ted Kaczynski: ‘dubbed the unabomber,’ sent a series of mail bombs to university and airline officials; evaded the FBI for over 18 years; captured in 1996; a child prodigy entering Harvard University at 16, graduated, earned a doctorate in mathematics at 25; assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, quit in two years, abandoned an academic career retreating in isolation 1969 to a small cabin primitive lifestyle in Lincoln, Montana.