
“The Wall is an Antiquated Symbol Of Pure Racism”

As the Publisher / Editor of Black Business News Group and the President and CEO of the Black Business Association (BBA), I take the position that “The Wall” the Trump Administration is proposing to build is not the answer to our nation’s immigration problems. Simply put, “THE PROPOSED WALL IS AN ANTIQUATED SYMBOL OF PURE RACISM.”


As oil minister during military rule in the 1970s, President Muhammadu Buhari oversaw the birth of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp (NNPC). Now, as democratically elected president, he intends to break up the lumbering bureaucracy, which is believed to have cashed out astronomical sums of oil revenues for luxury lifestyles, leaving the oil-rich nation of Nigeria nearly broke. He is “homing in one of his country’s open sores – corruption,” wrote the German news agency Deutsche Welle. “A lot of damage has been done to the integrity of Nigeria with individuals and institutions already compromised,” Buhari told an audience in