Barack Obama

City Council Votes to Change Rodeo Rd. to Obama Blvd

The motion to rename Rodeo Road between Jefferson Boulevard and Arlington Avenue was introduced by Council President Herb Wesson, who recalled meeting Obama for the first time during an early campaign stop at Rancho Cienega Park on Rodeo Road in 2007.

Trump turns back on a future with Cuba

So why would Trump want to revive the failed policies of the past? The reasons range from the petty to the perverse. Trump’s hatred of Obama is apparent. From Obamacare to climate policy to Cuba, he seems intent on overturning whatever Obama did — no matter how great the cost to the American people.

Parental Involvement Essential for ESSA

According to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), President Barack Obama’s education law, states and local school districts are required to intervene in the lowest-performing schools, including those that serve low-income children and minorities.

Holman UMC Hosts Barack Obama’s Sister, Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng

To commemorate Black History Month and to celebrate peace during these uncertain times, a benefit event that includes music, called Ceeds of Peace: Something Inside So Strong, will take place on Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 6 pm at the history-making Holman United Methodist Church (Holman UMC), one of only two L.A. churches Dr. Martin Luther King spoke, only weeks before his fateful trip to Memphis.

Saying Goodbye to the Obamas is hard to do

And while the Obamas may have used the office of the presidency to change the world, the pressures of the outside world didn’t change them. The Obamas stayed true to their selves, true to their roots. They may have lived in the Whitehouse but they kept their black identity —whether it was Barack going falsetto to sing Al Green’s Let’s Stay Together, or Michelle dancing to Uptown Funk on Ellen. Without a doubt, the Obamas brought soul to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.