
Why the New York City Council Proposal to Ban Menthol Cigarettes is Wrong

I dedicated 34 years of my life to public safety, enforcing the laws that our legislators placed before me. That’s what cops do, and we trust that those laws are well thought out, studied and based upon sound data and evidence. Later in my career, I realized that this is not always the case, as some of our laws have little to do with sound evidence and are emotionally driven by feel-good politics. That’s why I hung up my badge to advocate for sound public policy as the Executive Director of the Law Enforcement Action Partnership.

Community Based Treatment, Not Jail Replacement: A New Plan of Care for LA County

In response to Federal investigations of the poor conditions within LA County Jails, and the increase of imprisoned people with mental illnesses which has now reached 70 percent of the jail population, Supervisors of LA County planned to vote February 12th on a new “Mental Health Jail,” formally known as the “Consolidated Correctional Treatment Facility,” instead of diverting people who shouldn’t be in jail in the first place.

A Dream Deferred — Is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Just Another Elusive Dream?

In 1951, Langston Hughes laid bare the anxious aspirations of millions of Black people in America with his poem, “A Dream Deferred.” In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded America of the promissory note written to its citizens guaranteeing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, in his “I Have a Dream” speech.

“The Wall is an Antiquated Symbol Of Pure Racism”

As the Publisher / Editor of Black Business News Group and the President and CEO of the Black Business Association (BBA), I take the position that “The Wall” the Trump Administration is proposing to build is not the answer to our nation’s immigration problems. Simply put, “THE PROPOSED WALL IS AN ANTIQUATED SYMBOL OF PURE RACISM.”

The Compelling Need and Notion of Freedom: Retrieving Our Expansive Concept of Struggle

As we celebrate each year our strivings and struggles through history, the Black Freedom Movement is always a central focus. But we may not call it by its rightful name, because it has been renamed by the established order as the Civil Rights Movement and this has implications for us in terms of self-determination and how we define our goals, what we count as victory, and the lessons and spirit of life and struggle we learn and absorb from this world historical struggle. Our urgent and constant call was “Freedom Now!” and even now, it is no less necessary.

Aaaw, Come on Now. Let’s Get Real!

Well, what church do they go to? I sure don’t know what they’re teaching!? Isn’t that embarrassing when people say something like that? Some where people have expectations of people who say they’re Christian. If they’re drinking and brawling, carousing …either the onlookers might say, “He/she couldn’t be Christian and acting like that!! Could they?

Success “On The Way” Ask Dr. Jeanette: ‘Socialism and Democrat Socialist’ On the Rise!

Cuba is an example of a socialist nation. Its economy is state run and it lacks a stock exchange.” Bernie Sanders, former Presidential Candidate and  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez call themselves Democratic socialist. … Merriam Webster’s-dictionary defines socialism as a form of society in which government owns or controls major industries. Marxist theory says socialism is transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism. Hot topics” today.  Intelligent people want more insight into definitions.