Around the time of 5 B.C., Luke writes this heartwarming account of a very important event occurring during his ministry. He wants to clear up what he knew of his eyewitness accounts of some of those things that happened.
During 5 B.C., Zacharias and his wife, Elisabeth, were struggling with the thought of having a child and were awaiting when that might occur. Reading the account in Luke 1, his writing is detailed and explicit. What more is exciting is that here we can read about something so important which took place more than 2,000 years ago!
God the Almighty set things in place so that history would not be blotted out. What we have here is an important introduction to Zacharias and Elisabeth. They both were God-fearing and therefore righteous. You are led therefore to believe they lived according to ritualistic religious practices during that time.
Aaron was a priest and the daughters of Aaron always married priests. Zacharias was a priest, which leads us to understand “how” and “why” the Lord would have his hands on them to bring forth John the Baptizer to New Testament history during this “First Advent” period of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
They walked blameless in all the ordinances and commandments of the Lord. I would imagine when Zacharias was performing his priestly duties, he may have been nervous, hopeful, and praying that this time some wonderful news would come to him and Elisabeth, and their petition would be granted. They had no children. She was barren.
During that time, she may have been embarrassed and he had no child, and they were an older husband and wife. He goes into the Temple and takes his turn to burn incense as he exercises his priestly duties. This might most likely be a once- in-a-lifetime event for him. Seeing as how he was in the Temple of the Lord; a multitude of people were without praying at the time of the incense. Zacharias is astonished at the appearance of an angel.
He sees the angel. He is afraid, perhaps shaking. The angel begins speaking to him. We learn that this is Gabriel. He is “the messenger.” In this instance, he has wondrous news. What does he say?
Luke 1:13 repeats that Gabriel says, “Fear not, Zacharias: for your prayer is heard and your wife Elisabeth shall have a child. She will have a son. Not only that, but your son has already been given a name. You shall call him John. You and Elisabeth will have joy and gladness and not only you, but many others will rejoice with you at his birth. John will be great in the sight of the Lord. Now be mindful. John may not have wine, or any strong drink and he will be filled with the Holy Ghost!
“Not only that, but your son will also bring many children of Israel to the Lord. He will proceed forth in the spirit and power of Elijah. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and he will turn disobedient ones to the wisdom of the just and he will turn hearts to prepare people for the Lord.”
Zacharias didn’t believe it. Although we know he had been praying, he did not know an angel would pay him a personal visit. When Zacharias did not believe the message brought to him, he said, “How am I going to know this would actually occur?” The divine messenger came back very strong to Zacharias with an answer, “I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God. Therefore, God has sent me to deliver this message, to speak to you and bring you these wonderful tidings of joy!”
Since you do not believe, you will be dumb and not able to speak until the day that these things shall be performed. You did not believe, and these words will be fulfilled in their season.” To be continued.
Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043, 323-293-9826,, (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © Errors? Or Questions? Please let me know. Join Sundays for music and message at 11:30 a.m. by calling (712) 775-8971, code 266751. Don’t stop praying and hoping. References: The Holy Bible. Today is another great day to do good and be successful.”