Civil Rights Icon Angela Davis Inducted into National Women’s Hall of Fame

“At each significant turning point in my life, when I was introduced to the world of progressive political activism, anti-racist prison abolition struggles, when I myself was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List and ended up spending two years in jail and on trial, when I became involved in many international solidarity efforts, intersectional feminist movements, I’ve always been one of many,” Davis said during her induction speech. “My own consciousness has always been enabled by shared endeavors and collective consciousness.”

Will You Answer the Call for Moral Revival?

In embracing and expanding the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Revs. Barber and Theoharis have asked Presidential candidates to consider a debate that focuses exclusively on poverty. Many have agreed, but others have not gone on record. With more than one in five African American families living in poverty, and wages relatively stagnant, a national conversation about poverty is more than overdue.

Haynes Tackles Mental Health at Macedonia Summer Revival

As anxiety sweeps America, the Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes stopped by Macedonia Baptist Church to offer solutions to soothe stress-related tensions.

Known as a prophetic international leader and passionate social activist, Haynes is the pastor of the Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, which boasts a membership exceeding 12,000.

ACTION ALERT: NAACP Urges US Congress to Impeach Donald Trump

The delegates to the NAACP National Annual Convention voted unanimously on July 22, 2019, to support an emergency resolution calling for impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump.  Specifically, the resolution cited that through his racist, xenophobic, and homophobic words and actions President Trump has “brought the high office of the President of the United States in contempt, ridicule, disgrace, and disrepute,” and he “has sown seeds of discord among the people of the United States,” and finally that he “has demonstrated that he is unfit to be President.” We must urge our federal legislators to openly reject his call

This Week Marks 400 Years Since the First African’s Were Forcefully Brought to the United States

This week marks 400 years since the first African’s were forcefully brought to the United States. To memorialize this history, more than 200 African Americans made their way to Virginia, the first leg in a week-long journey retracing the steps of their ancestors dubbed Jamestown 2 Jamestown. Emotions were raw as the delegation gathered at the Historic Jamestown Visitor Center, to symbolize their ancestors’ arrival in Point Comfort and Fort Monroe in the Jamestown area of Virginia. The NAACP, along with its partner, The Adinkra Group, put together a moving program which called upon attendees to reflect on the significance of the

Why I’m Visiting the Border

“I shook hands with a 13 year-old-boy whose mother told him to make eye contact and shake hands firmly. Even in the midst of horrific living conditions and imprisonment, children at the facility are still being taught to treat people with respect, while being treated less than human…”

The Storied History of the NAACP

The NAACP plans to highlight 110 years of civil rights history, and the current fight for voting rights, criminal justice reform, economic opportunity and education quality during its 110th national convention now happening in Detroit.

NAACP Calls for the House of Representatives to Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump

DETROIT – During rousing remarks from Rep. Al Green (D-TX), the NAACP national delegation voted on a resolution for the U.S. House of Representatives to initiate Articles of Impeachment for Donald J. Trump during the 110th NAACP Annual Convention in Detroit. Derrick Johnson, President and CEO of NAACP courtesy photo “The pattern of Trump’s misconduct is unmistakable and has proven time and time again, that he is unfit to serve as the president of this country, said Derrick Johnson, President and CEO of NAACP. “From his attempts to curtail the scope of Robert Mueller’s investigation to calling out minority congresswomen and telling them to go

HBCU in LA Advocates for Diversity in Film Industry, Reminding Young Black Filmmakers of Those Who Came Before

For many years, Stacy Milner, former executive assistant to the chairman of NBC and then to the chairman of Paramount Pictures, has devoted herself to increasing ethnic and cultural diversity in the entertainment industry. In 2010, she founded the Entertainment Industry College Outreach Program (EICOP), a recruitment initiative designed to channel students of color – primarily HBCU and Hispanic-serving institution graduates – into careers in this predominantly White field.

Harris, Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Bill to Provide People with Criminal Records A Fair Chance at Housing

U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris (D-CA) and U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) on Wednesday introduced the Fair Chance at Housing Act of 2019, legislation to remove barriers to obtaining federal housing assistance for individuals with criminal records and their families. The proposal is a comprehensive reform of the eviction and screening policies so individuals with a criminal history have a fair chance at housing assistance.

Supreme Court Shoots Down Trump’s Census Citizenship Question

“In blocking Trump’s ability to add a citizenship question, the court has ensured that voting rights for people of color are protected, and that all communities – regardless of race, ethnicity, geographic location, religious views, political affiliation, and country of origin – are fairly represented,” said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA).

Kidney Patients Rally For Their Lives

Californians rallied to “Protect Kidney Patients” on the steps of the State Capitol Building. California NAACP, organ donors, transplant recipients, leading advocates, medical professionals and dialysis patients alike joined to demand action from their State Senators to support patients living with kidney failure, and the individuals who offer lifesaving organ transplants by voting No on AB 290 (Wood) and Yes on AB 1223 (Arambula).

Councilman Faces Call for Resignation for Juneteenth Message

LEESBURG, Va. (AP) — The president of a northern Virginia NAACP branch is calling for a town councilman’s resignation after he wrote a negative message on a Juneteenth proclamation rather than sign it. The Leesburg Town Council passed a resolution proclaiming June 19-20 as Juneteenth and urging residents to recognize “this celebration in African-American history.” Juneteenth celebrates slavery’s end in the U.S. The resolution also recognizes lynchings that occurred in Virginia, including one in Leesburg. Councilman Thomas Dunn didn’t sign the proclamation, instead writing “This is a celebration lynchings are not” in his signature line. Loudoun County NAACP President Michelle