
A Revolutionary in The Mind: Muhammad Abdullah’s Dedication and Legacy to Faith, Freedom, and Black Consciousness

Muhammad Abdullah, president and CEO of the Al Hajj Muhammad Abdullah Research Institute—a revered elder, revolutionary, Pan-Africanist and Muslim. Known for his profound intellect and deep historical knowledge, Abdullah is widely respected across Los Angeles for his commitment to all those suffering and influence on those in the prison system, gang and former gang members, Black youth and the Muslim community.


Avant family devastated by the tragic death of one of the world’s most kind & loving people    L.A. Sentinel News Service Words cannot express the pain and devastation the Bakewell family and our community of well-wishers and fans feel this morning over the senseless murder of our beloved friend and family member, Mrs. Jackie Avant.  Her brutal murder is not only a loss to her entire family but is a terrible loss to everyone who met her.  Her warm and kind personality was evident to everyone who came into contact with her, and her loving smile was a blessing