LADWP Board Approves Shared Solar Pilot Program for Renters

The program, which still needs approval of the City Council, would have the LADWP install large-scale photovoltaic solar plants in and near the L.A. basin, and allow customers with accounts associated with multifamily dwelling units to sign up to buy for blocks of energy. The program would allow them to replace a portion of their electrical energy use at a fixed rate for

Mayor Announces Pilot Water Treatment Initiative

    A pilot initiative that aims to double the recycled water capacity at the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant was announced Thursday February 15, by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. “This is a second Mulholland moment for Los Angeles — a chance to protect our water supply tomorrow by reimagining infrastructure today,” Garcetti said. “Increasing our supply of locally sourced water will help ensure that Angelenos always have reliable access to clean water — in dry and wet years.” The pilot program was made possible through an agreement between the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, the Los Angeles Department of

Brotherhood Crusade Receives LADWP Community Grant For $45,000

Brotherhood Crusade has received a $45,000 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Community Partnership Grant to promote energy efficiency and water conservation as part of its Community Partnership Grants program. Brotherhood Crusade is among 20 Los Angeles-based organizations that received $990,000 in LADWP Community Partnership grants in May 2017. The grants range from $45,000 to $90,000, to foster creative outreach in diverse communities, encouraging them to reduce their energy and water use to benefit the environment and help manage their utility bills.

LADWP Union May Get Significant Raise

The deal would give the IBEW five straight years of raises and continue the practice of union workers not contributing toward their health care costs, a benefit not enjoyed by all city workers.