As for me and my house, Jesus is the reason for the season. As the story goes, Jesus came into this world with humble beginnings, was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and was laid in a manager because there was no room for him in the inn.
Growing up in the church, I heard this story over and over again, especially during Christmastime. However, this year, it has a new meaning for me because my daughter just gave birth to her first child, and when I hurried to the hospital to embrace this precious gift from God, I saw her lying in her bed, wrapped in swaddling clothes. She was perfect.
I know the same happened to my children when they were born, but for whatever reason, the grandmother in me saw this tradition in a new light. To be wrapped in swaddling clothes means narrow strips of cloth or blankets are wrapped around an infant to restrict movement. As I looked into my granddaughter’s face, she looked like an angel.
When I reflect on when I first gave birth to my children, I remember them being wrapped in blankets, but I am sure I did not do a great job with the swaddling part. For some reason, now, in this season, I am paying attention to certain details that may have just gone completely over my head close to forty years ago. As I thought more about how tight my granddaughter was wrapped, I decided to do a little more investigating as to why we do this with newborns and why it is important.
Swaddling infants is done for several reasons, mainly to help them feel secure and comfortable. The swaddling gives them a feel that they are still in the womb with limited movement. I also learned that swaddling babies’ tight helps prevent startle reflexes, promotes them to sleep, and keeps them in a safe position to help prevent them from moving and hurting themselves. Although we want them to feel snug, we must also make sure we do not pull the clothes or blankets too tight, causing hip dysplasia.
Looking at the benefits of babies being wrapped in swaddling clothes; I started thinking about how some of us adults could use the comfort and protection of being wrapped in swaddling clothes as well. I asked myself what I have in my life to help promote good sleep, to feel protected from the negative things the world throws at us regularly, and to keep me still when I need to limit my movements.
Many of us run to things that can serve as temporary band-aids, but what is going to keep us steady through time? I believe the answer is the gift that came wrapped in swaddling clothes over two thousand years ago and is still available to every one of us today.
All we have to do is accept his gift of eternal life, and even though we may experience tough times, he will see us through. The choice is up to each of us. I like having the reassurance that I am never alone and the comfort of being wrapped in his arms.
As you and your loved ones enjoy this holiday season, I pray you will find peace, comfort, and joy that will last a lifetime. Also, remember to stop and wrap your arms around your loved ones while you can because tomorrow is not promised. As my husband would say, love is better felt than just telt (told).
We are just pilgrims passing through for a short period and we need to make the best of each day and show love to all mankind. From our house to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas!
Healing Without Hate: It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on.
Visit www.WendyGladney.com and www.forgivingforliving.org to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker