Do you wonder sometimes what people say and think about you? You know that is not unusual for such thoughts to cross your mind. No. You don’t have to be worried about what they say. However, it can be a barometer of what is being said, even though not necessarily true. It could be a total lie or it can be true. Referencing Matthew 13:54-58 “Jesus returns home to Nazareth. He has an entourage of disciples. He is now a prominent rabbi. He comes as a visiting rabbi and local hero. Some town residents are nonbelieving and he doesn’t bring many to His beliefs. He taught them in their synagogue and they were astonished at His teaching and His wisdom. Where did this man get all this wisdom and how can He do these mighty works? In essence, How can he be doing all these extraordinary works and His speaking power is astonishing, along with what He is saying! Why is it His trip was not profitable? Remember he was a hometown carpenter. He was the carpenter’s son and Mary is His mother. Likely he had made furniture and other things for them. He was considered just another hometown guy. He is just the brother of James, Joses and Simon and Judas.
How is it He thinks He is the Messiah?? They were offended in Him…jealous of Him and these blinded their faith. Jesus rightly concluded a prophet is not recognized in His own home. They were disrespectful. Jesus often chose to heal those with confessed faith or His omniscience of knowing what was in man. They saw Jesus as nobody special, but perhaps a cocky…I’m going home to show them who I really am. They were familiar with Him and didn’t see him as anyone special. You know what is said, “familiarity breeds contempt.” Isn’t that just like some relatives? We leave the old city where we grew up and our relatives do not see us differently. They sometimes think we left and think we think ourselves as better than they. That’s the problem of thinking non-productive and detrimental thoughts.
Let’s get rid of stagnating thoughts that starve our creativity and productivity. You remember Abraham left because God had called him to leave his country. God didn’t authorize Aaron to go; but he went and caused Abraham quite a bit of trouble. Jesus was called many names because people didn’t understand Him or His mission. Listen! Not everything we do has to be understood by a relative or someone else. What is important is the not making poor decisions that God didn’t tell us to make at all. You recall that Jesus asked His disciples, “Whom do men say that I am, They said, John the Baptist, some say Elias (Elijah) and others say, One of the prophets.” Jesus was insistent, saying, “But, whom say you that I am. Peter said, You are the Christ.” The blind men called Jesus Son of David (Mark 9:27-29), His regal name.
The religious ones accused Him of blasphemy, saying He was casting out devils by the devil (Matthew 9:34). He was called Beelzebub-lord of the flies (Matthew 10:25) Here is the point: If you are doing the work of Christ, a doer of good works, people may call you all kinds of names and accuse you of doing things you never thought of, let alone that you never did. They see something very special in you and want to kill it or take it for themselves (which they cannot). David’s brothers ridiculed him, especially Eliab, the oldest brother. Eliab said, why have you come here (to the battle)? Who did you leave those few sheep with. He called David prideful and naughty. Which revealed he was jealous of David and seemingly knew about David’s victories as the shepherd, killing the bear and the lion. (1 Samuel 17) David was astonished and said, “What have I done now? Is there a cause for this?” People are and will continue hate and jealousy and want to put you down because of their own bad behavior and feeling bad within and about themselves.
Jesus knows what is in man. John 2:25 says “”No one needed to tell Him about human nature, for he…knew what was in each person’s heart…and needed no testimony from man.” There is nothing hidden or spoken in the darkness that will not come to light (1 Corinthians 4:5; 2:7) Thanks for reading. Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School:4514 Crenshaw BL, LA 90043 323-293-9826 Dr. Jeanette’s Articles are copyright. All rights reserved. Inquiring Minds Want To Know” © Ask Dr. Jeanette (TM) www.Ask [email protected] References: Matthew 13:54-58;