Dr. Jeanette Parker
Dr. Jeanette Parker (File Photo)

Who has not heard about Job, one of the oldest Old Testament scriptures. Job’s lifetime age was 1726-1516 B.C. That places him at 140 years + 70 years puts his age at lifetime that he lived to be 210 years.  

Did he have an easy life? Not at all. Putting it mildly, he lived during a miserable period of his life. Despite his misfortunes, he survived to live beyond the misery. He may be most known for his catastrophic sufferings, but before that, he was a wealthy man with a wonderful family.  

He had seven sons and three daughters. He loved his family. The sons and daughters would party, have a good time and for fear and concern that they might go so far to curse or blaspheme God or be sinful in their thoughts before God. He would offer sacrifices on their behalf. Things changed.   

The Lord was enthroned on His heavenly throne and all the heavenly host was standing before Him as Micaiah reported in 1 Kings 22:19-21. The prophet Isaiah reported in Isaiah 6 what he saw in heaven. Psalm 82 reports and Daniel 7:9-10 also give us a behind the scenes look at the divine God.  

In the book of Job, the divine beings presented themselves before the Lord. The adversary (Satan) also appears in the heavens among the divine beings and seemingly acts as a prosecuting attorney. The Lord has His record of beings who have been faithful.  

The Lord recognizes the adversary and wants to know what brings him here and what has he been doing? The adversary replies, “I have been roaming all over the earth.” As the scriptures tell us, that the adversary roams around “as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.”  

The Lord, knowing how Satan is (his identification morphs into that descriptive name over time), asks him, “Have you considered my servant Job?” The adversary seems to respond in a manner that he had considered His servant Job, but the Lord had a hedge around Job about and not allowed the adversary to do damage to Job, his household or his family and possessions.  

The adversary explains his positioning against Job in that if “you just allow me to put my hands on him and cause damage to him, he will blaspheme you to your face.” The Lord replies, “See, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on him.”    

There came a day when his children were partying, eating and drinking wine, and living it up as they usually did. Their enemies came, gathered them, put them to the sword, and then God’s fire came and fell from heaven and burned them up.  

Another enemy came and one right after another came and destroyed Job’s family and his possessions. When it looked like things could get no worse, Job had boils and sores all over him. Yet, he would not curse God. Although Job’s plight was next to unbearable, he would not give up.  

Strange things happened. A wind came from the wilderness. His house collapsed. The messengers came one right after another delivering Job terrible news of his misfortune. He was distraught, but not beyond holding on to his faith. Doesn’t this sound like some of the things that are happening today!?  

Job chapter 2 starts out the same way as Job chapter 1 with the divine beings presenting themselves before the Lord’s throne.  To be continued in Part 2.  

Writing for the Lord and loving it! Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043, 323-293-9826,, (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © References: The Holy Bible.; Henry’s and Kelly’s Commentaries (public domain) Any errors? Please let me know.