Dr. Jeanette Parker (File Photo)

Doesn’t sound like a person, does it? There are many broken promises. We know. We don’t want to recall how many times someone has not lived up to our expectations (which can be unrealistic and even humanly impossible) especially when they have promised to keep their word to us. That’s part of human nature, the fleshly part of us and our thinking; because not one of us is perfect. And part of that imperfection is not sticking to our word without fail. Things happen. Those things may not be an excuse for not keeping our word.

There are unexpected circumstances; attacks from other entities; attacks from the environment: disease, drought, famine, poverty, abandonment and more. There are catastrophes occurring in different parts of the world: storms, earthquakes, floods and more. There are things happening both good and not good…things of which we have no knowledge. If you have someone to whom you must give an assignment: a student, your child, your worker, is that person prepared to take on the assignment? Have you given the person sufficient orientation to accept and accomplish the assignment? I’m remembering GOD’s strategic methods he uses to carry out His assigned mission. GOD is a planner. He knows beforehand and foreordains what He wants to get done. He knows who He will select/appoint to carry out what he has in mind to do. Saying further, He is a looong range planner. He knows the end from the beginning. He plans His steps hundreds of years in advance! In the interim period, He doesn’t allow anyone or anything to interfere to the extent that His plan can be XXX’d. He is the Master Planner. I am specifically thinking about Abraham and Moses and Jesus Christ. I am thinking about Abraham because of the irrevocable “Covenant” GOD made to him, the Abrahamic Covenant. As you recall, Abraham is called the father of “faith.” Some consider the statement in Genesis 15:6, “he believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness…He believed what he heard.” He promised him, gave him the Abrahamic covenant of “seed and land.” GOD never wavered from what He promised. GOD kept renewing His Covenant to Isaac, Jacob, Sarah. But, I want you to see my point. This is not simply about Abraham; It’s about us too. Relationally, this Covenant is also about our Constitution. Researching the word Covenant in Hebrew, the word can have reference to promises-Covenants made between individuals, between nations, between companies, etc. But, here think about the “The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America.

The Constitution, originally comprising seven articles, delineates the national frame of government. It is regarded as the oldest written and codified national constitution in force.” The Preamble to the Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This Covenant is between the citizens of the United States and it’s people.

Thanks for reading (to be continued)

Jeanette Grattan Parker, Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 323-293-9826::todaysfreshstart.org; [email protected] [email protected] tm “Inquiring minds want to know.” copyright. all rights reserved©Askdrjeanetteparker.com tm