Success On “The Way”… Ask Dr. Jeanette: Live “The Good Life” Victoriously Part 2
Following God’s way ensures choosing life!
Following God’s way ensures choosing life!
Some little something can help someone so very much
Let’s talk about “good news!” Aren’t you tired of hearing all the turbulent bad news?
The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy
No one can serve two masters … One of them you’re just hanging onto to attempt to fool people as a cover up
Challenges may be family related, job related, friend related, marriage or lover related
Among teen suicide causes are: heavy social media, family issues, exposure to violence to name a few and financial stress.
Many people may imagine God by searching for their own freedom
Pervasive liars need treatment; psychosocial therapy.
A male lion may roar to let the other pride members know that all is well
Wrong doing has far reaching repercussions