That’s right. Better is always better. If you dwell on the dark news locally and worldwide, you might want to give up, hang your head and fold it up, thinking the world is coming to an end. But, wait! Life has more to offer you. There is still time! You may be high profile and have everything; no matter what position you hold, there will be challenges and conflict. Life has its vicissitudes. Sometimes, things are up; sometimes things are not so pleasing. That will pass. Keep working at it. There is no panacea for all of life’s problems and differences. So, I’m preaching to the choir, right? No matter what comes our way, there is the supernatural power of God Almighty to help us through. And, we need that. If you try to do everything on your own by yourself, using unwise and/or only earthly counsel, look for exhaustion to set in. Be replenished and reinvigorated daily. Challenges may be family related, job related, friend related, marriage or lover related, [get married or begin to figure out a better solution which may include cutting it off]. Seek fulfillment in this day, today. Accomplish something today! You can remember yesterday and say, “Well, I accomplished that.” Be reminded, don’t compare your accomplishments with someone else. You have your own pathway. If the marriage didn’t work out, keep praying. Be refreshed. Be patient, hopeful. Get a good night’s rest, eat healthy, exercise. If you spend your life worrying about what somebody did, you can look back and realize that looking backward you may trip. Your life is important. You are important. You spent years hoping someone will change and you tried to do whatever you thought was going to work on changing that person. Too bad.
Sometimes the person never changes; but is locked in that old crippling lifestyle. And, you don’t have the combination. You’re bending over backwards to please and make pleasure. No regrets, no grief no fear. I know some people who seem as though they’re not going to be happy unless they’re worrying more as soon as the thing comes into their mind. They lick their wounds. Pick up the pieces and move forward. Look forward! Think forward! Think possible! Fawn Germer, Contributor to the HUFFPOST says, “…I know this: If I don’t find fulfillment in this day — as uncertain as it may be — it will be lost to me. If I don’t find happiness in this day and every day like it, I won’t get a do-over. This is it. I’ll be a day older, then a year older, then ten years older, and I will have wasted precious time that I did not need to waste.”
You can do it!
Jeanette Grattan Parker is Superintendent-Founder of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, LA 90043 323-293-9826 “Ask Dr. Jeanette” [email protected] Writings are copyright “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” “Will You Marry Me?” Loving it!