“Who Are You?”   Part 3  Holy Messenger of Freedom.  

Some thought Jesus was John the Baptist.  Others thought He was Moses or Elijah. This same question is being asked today.   Who do you think that Jesus the Son of God is? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Do you think He is a magician? I heard someone say, he thought Jesus was a magician. That showed how far away from the truth he was.   We need the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to us and clear up the fog of doubt and unbelief. Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. You don’t

“Who Are You?” Part 2 

“I am the living God,” Shimeon Kaypha (Simon Peter) answered. This was Shimeon Kaypha’s response to Yeshua when He asked, upon arriving in the region of Caesarea Philippi, “What do people say about me, the Son of Man?” 

“Who Is This?” 

Ahiah Ashur High (I AM WHO I AM).  It’s the sixth day before Passover, the final six days before the crucifixion of Jesus. As he approaches Jerusalem from Jericho, the crowds are in a state of wonderment. Many have heard of him and the miraculous works he performed, but now they are seeing him in person.  

“30 Seconds of OOO La La!” Part 2 

Amnon, Tamar’s brother, is not the only one in the ancient family of patriarchs who suffered from lustful desires and acted them out. There’s a difference between wanting something or someone and making moves to possess and satisfy the desires, whether sexual or material or whatever they may be.  

30 Seconds of OOO La La!   

This will prove to be quite a family saga. Esau and Jacob were in the womb at Rebekah’s same time. The birthright was the object of Jacob’s desire. Why? Because there were elements of superior recognition and fame, the benefits alone gave reason for the birthright to be desired.  

The Rape of Tamar

Merriam-Webster defines “rape” in several definitions. However, we will focus on the most well-publicized definitions as this: a carrying away by force; unlawful intercourse with a woman without her consent, and chiefly by force or deception.   

Get Real! Focus on Reality!

You know… people laugh and talk and play music and have fun. And there is time for joy and happiness. Optimistically, some think that is the reality of life. If someone is laughing a lot, one might think they must know what they are talking about.  

Seductive Realm of the Seduced Ones 

  Although this topic may relate to today’s news, similar past events may also be of great interest and benefit.  Jesus held audiences within enemy territory. But He had done His homework, and He was not coming up behind through the back door. He was well-prepared and obedient to the way His campaign should go, including how He should answer tough questions. Those who were against Him gave Him no slack. He was called dirty names…like a bastard…child of the devil…blasphemer…employee of the devil and others. There were numerous confrontations with His enemies, e.g. Pharisees, and elders. They held starkly


Some of the same subjects are on the daily and nightly news. Here’s something interesting that you may have thought about. That’s “the utilities.” That’s right. Although it’s a big subject, you don’t hear much about the “utilities.”  

Be Not Deceived!?

Don’t you see that attitude and its accompanying attitude expression quite frequently?! I have seen people who want to be “in charge.” On the contrary, sometimes what they may be saying in a round-a-bout way is that they say that, but not necessarily do they want to do the work it entails to say one thing and do something else.     In retrospect, Jesus would say something similar about the Pharisees, elders, and others. Don’t do what they do. Don’t do what they say, because it’s contradictory. He called them hypocrites…saying one thing and doing something else.     Israel did