Bishop Bobby Best
Bishop Bobby Best

Rev. Willie Boyd, Jr.
Pastor Willie Boyd, Jr.

Lewis Metropolitan CME Church will celebrate its 69th anniversary “Treasuring the Past, Celebrating the Present, Building the Future” on January 24, at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. services in the edifice located at 4900 S. Western Blvd., in Los Angeles.

The morning service will host Bishop Bobby R. Best, presiding prelate of the Ninth Episcopal District of the CME Church, as the featured speaker, while the Rev. Willie B.E. Boyd, Jr., pastor of Lewis Metropolitan will preach the word at the evening service. A special reception will follow the 3:30 p.m. service.

“Lewis Metropolitan is proud to be able to celebrate 69 years of service to this community,” said Anniversary Chair David Cunningham.

“It is truly with great excitement that we take this day to honor our past, enjoy our present and look forward to our future. The service is open to everyone in the community and attendees are encouraged to bring a friend to enjoy the festivities.”

Founded in 1946, Lewis Metropolitan CME Church is one of the oldest African American churches in the nation. For more than six decades, the church has been a beacon of light to thousands who seek to live and serve their church, their community and their world.