The televised U.S. Presidential debates are the most watched (84+millions) in U.S. Presidential history. It’s Serious! The nations, the peoples, the rulers rage tumultuously. ISIS punches, bruises. The nations know the time is short. The SOUL of the greatest nation, the United States is at stake. The moral slide creeps downward like lava from an erupted volcano; filled with beyond embarrassing truths, untruthful information bolstered by the entertainment aspect. Something critical, pivotal is going on here. “How will our business for our nation be conducted for our lives after the election of our next President of The United States?” What’s really happening?
The “system” works only for some. It’s about each person who sits in a corner nibbling on a treasured french fry…doesn’t know where is the next meal….about the forgotten beggars on the street who have no say in who is elected, voting not on their minds, vision is darkened from day-to-day distress. The election is about our inner cities, many neglected who hungrily scream.. hunger for rescue. It’s about drugs, violence suffocating some of our youth and families to death. It’s about maimed returning veterans, prisoners and released prisoners. It’s about increasing jobs and opportunities for those who yearn to be delivered from the bondage of inertia, desirous of improvement and release from a frozen state; wanting to explore progress with stifled imagination. How will our inner city families be nurtured back to healthy vibrancy..helped to increase and improve their daily lives seeking work, some of whom who know not how to look for a job. The election is about our schools. Thousands and thousands of our children’s dreams have been squashed, enslaved in “systems, bureaucracies,” their dreams are ignored, neglected, bound in the grips of a “chained system” that doesn’t want parents to choose where their child will be educated, constraining, wringing, tearing their dreams in a chokehold; a system that rages against parental choice in education and seeks power above principle. It’s painful to consider; our children’s dreams languish, die, crushed by the system. Who’s responsible? Who’s following whom? Who’s listening to whom? Who’s leading whom?
Is the leadership deceived for decades? Why do some follow the cacophonous, discordant sound of a disruptive drum beat? Over, over with little to no evidence of harmony or rhythm. Change direction! Go straight and turn right!
The sound of the trumpet in ancient history signified spiritual warfare. This election (my humble opinion) is about a spiritual battle for the posterity of our nation and the principles upon which it was founded. The call is going forth. The trumpet has sounded! Who will hear and discern the message? Who is caring for the householder’s vineyard? Who’s courageous? Go straight! Turn right! Teach your children at home.
Jeanette Grattan Parker, Ph.D. Superintendent/Founder-Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw BL., LA 90043 323-293-9826 [writer, artist, educator, speaker, marriage expert (50+) Writings are copyright: “Will You Marry Me” and “Inquiring Minds Want To Know.”] [email protected].