1.) February 10, 2007 Barack Obama announces he would run for President of the United States
2.) Barack Obama takes his shirt off. On two different occasions Barack Obama flexed his muscles while vacationing with his family.
3.) Dr. Rev. Wright -What did he say? Middle America tries to exploit the Barack Obama's relationship with the black church and Dr. Rev. Wright after quotes got out such as "God damn you America".
4.) Cover of the New Yorker – No they didn't! As usual bad press served good for Barack Obama as the New Yorker jumped in on the Obama slander bandwagon.
5.) June 4, 2008 Barack Obama is nominated the Democratic Presidential Nominee
6.) Obama kicks butt in Presidential debate. Obama with stood the punches from veteran Senator John McCain as they debated in front of millions on world-wide television.
7.) The Votes are in and the winner is…Barack!! November 4, 2008 Barack Obama defeats John McCain by a landslide and is declared the President-elect.
8.) Obama takes a memorable picture with former Presidents. U.S. President George W. Bush (C) meets with President-elect Barack Obama (2nd-L), former President Bill Clinton (2nd-R), former President Jimmy Carter (R) and former President George H.W. Bush (L) in the Oval Office January 7, 2009 in Washington, DC.
9.) Inaugural weekend. January 19th, 2008 Washington D.C. has never seen anything like this…ever!
10.) Time to paint the white house black. January 20, 2009 Barack Obama takes oath of office and is officially announced the 44th President of the United States of America.