I see visions in the eye of my mind of Jesus, The Christ, carrying that heavy more than 100 pound wooden cross, bleeding, stumbling along, demonstrating visually how heavy all our sins are. Too heavy for us to carry, so He carried them for us. I see Him in the Garden of Gethsemane having to bear the burden alone while the disciples slept. Yes. He was fully human and fully divine. When He needed them most, they slept. I see Him being betrayed by Judas with the “kiss of death.” I see Him in controversies with the elitists Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes. I think of how they plotted to kill “My Saviour, Your Saviour” because He healed on the Sabbath and they thought the Sabbath was so holy that even the sick could not be healed on the Sabbath; but they thought if an animal became trapped or lost, they could put the animal rights before suffering people. I see “My Saviour, Your Saviour” having mercy on the “woman at the well,” a Samaritan, (not a racist) who had been shunned, ashamed, married five times, but yet, He took time to witness to a woman, seeing her need for salvation. She became an evangelist, “Come and see the man who told me everything about myself! Is this not the Messiah??” I see “My Saviour, Your Saviour” as the one who didn’t leave women behind, but many followed Him and supported His ministry with their own resources. I see “My Saviour, Your Saviour” who “loved the little children” and didn’t let the disciples discard the “little children” as unworthy to listen to. I see “My Saviour, Your Saviour” who cares for “the very least.” I see “My Saviour, Your Saviour” who calls Philip from an evangelistic meeting to minister to one. Every “One is important to “My Saviour, Your Saviour.” “Thank you! Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. Why is Good Friday called Good Friday? Probably because good used to mean holy. … “That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the Resurrection of Jesus and His victory over death, sin and the grave…celebration of Easter, (Resurrection Sunday) the very pinnacle of Christian celebrations.” (Huffington Post) Forest Wickman-Brow Beat. Wikipedia) Last Friday was Good Friday, the day on which Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. The name may seem counterintuitive to many Christians and nonbelievers, since the day is typically viewed as a solemn one, often observed with fasting and somber processions. Why is Good Friday called Good Friday? Probably because good used to mean holy. There are a few theories about why Good Friday is called Good Friday, only one seems to be supported by linguists and by historical evidence; Good Friday is called Good Friday because, Christians believe there is something very good about it: It is the anniversary of Jesus suffering and dying on the cross at Calvary for our sins; but not just for Christians sins, but for the sins of the whole world, because His arms are outstretched for anyone who will choose to accept Him as God’s only begotten Son.
“That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the Resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin and the celebration of Easter, the very pinnacle of Christian celebrations,” Perhaps this logic has helped the name stick—it is certainly how many Christians today understand the name—but it is not where the name originally comes from. A theory is that the Good in Good Friday derives from God or “God’s Friday.” This theory is put forward citing a 1909 entry in The Catholic Encyclopedia. In a separate article on the same subject, the Huffington Post does the same. There are linguists who differ on the origin of the word “good” from God. The theory supported by both the Oxford English Dictionary and many other language experts is that the name comes from an antiquated meaning of good.
“The answer seems pretty clearly to be that it’s from good ‘holy,’” (me–I like that one) because words and their meanings gravitate over time to mean what people perceive it to mean and how they use the word. I want to think “good” has morphed from God. Don’t you like that? “Yeh. Me too.” Seems like many people want to believe that at least one day out of year they feel “Holy.” Maybe it’s contagious! Thanks for reading!
Jeanette Grattan Parker, Phd. Founder/Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School. 4514 Crenshaw BL-323-293-9826: www.todaysfreshstart.org thanks for reading! [email protected] www.Askdrjeanetteparker.com
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