Becoming a People of the Resurrection in a Good Friday World – Part 1
When we decolonize the theology of White supremacy, resurrection can transform the United “Thief-dom” of America into the United “Kin-dom” of America.
When we decolonize the theology of White supremacy, resurrection can transform the United “Thief-dom” of America into the United “Kin-dom” of America.
Ask Dr. Jeanette Parker… Success On “The Way”
“He Didn’t have to Do It, But, He did” Crucifixion was a perfected form of Roman capital punishment, excruciatingly painful reserved for non-Roman citizens. Jesus was not guilty of any the three crimes reserved for crucifixion: escaped slave, piracy or sedition against the Roman Empire. The “Cross” immediately brings to mind the atrocious cruelty of Christ’s sufferings before, on His way to the “Cross,” the insensitive preparation to hang on the “Cross” the actual hanging and being convicted of crimes, such as tax evasion and sedition. He was beaten with leather whips with steel spikes on the ends to a