Sentinel News Service

Jury Begins Deliberating Cop’s Case in Daunte Wright Death

 The suburban Minneapolis police officer who says she meant to use her Taser instead of her gun when she shot and killed Black motorist Daunte Wright made a “blunder of epic proportions” and did not have “a license to kill,” a prosecutor told jurors on Monday shortly before they began deliberations in her manslaughter trial.

President of USC Medical Group Jehni Robinson Strives for Excellence

Keck Medicine of USC tapped Jehni Robison, MD, to become president of USC Medical Group (USC care). The Los Angeles Sentinel had an exclusive interview with the newly appointed president to discuss her role and her responsibilities. As an empowered Black woman, Robinson provided words of wisdom for the next generation to adhere to.   

LA Metro Service Changes Go Into Effect Today

Metro will launch a series of service improvements to its bus and rail lines today, including realigning bus routes for easier access to key destinations and increasing the frequency of rail stops.

The 10th Council District Hosts ‘Snow Night in Leimert’

This past Friday night in Leimert Park Plaza, the 10th Council District, in collaboration with the Empowerment Congress and surrounding businesses and community partners, hosted a special free ‘Snow Night in Leimert Park’ holiday celebration for families in the community.

LA County Reports 3,360 New Cases of COVID-19, 27 More Deaths

 Los Angeles County reported 3,360 new cases of COVID-19 today, along with 27 additional deaths associated with the virus and eight more confirmed cases of the Omicron variant. The number of new cases is the highest in months, and comes one day after officials announced stepped-up efforts to combat the pandemic, including new rules for attending large events.

Ring in the New Year with Health Care Savings

The New Year is right around the corner and it’s a time to set new goals. One opportunity that everyone should embrace is to make sure that you have access to quality health care in 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic and the new Omicron variant have highlighted the importance of our health, and now is the time to get comprehensive health coverage.