Dr. Jeanette Parker (file photo)

Who would not want a second chance? Who would not want “favor?”

Some can turn their lives around with just a second dramatic chance.

I know that Mary wasn’t asking for a second chance. But it seems she showed no doubt. Seeemingly wanted to just know “How?” She had no reference point for how she would be with child with “no husband” She said, “How shall this be, since I have no husband.” She had no sexual experience. That may sound strange in today’s society and based on how many pre-married people get together, it’s unlike the old ways (but not for everyone). Some families do follow a moral protocol before sexual relations and marriage. Mary’s character was entrenched in “the law,” calm, not doubting and submissive to Gabriel’s message and attitude. Remember, Gabriel said toward the end of his message and their conversation, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid (bondmaid) of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:34-38) And the angel departed from her.” That’s what the Lord wants; that is, to be submissive to His will, our Lord and saviour. He wants to bring you in to Him via the pathway of love. He doesn’t want to roughhouse you and wrangle and wrestle with you to bring you into His invitation to “come on into His house.” Just believe. Have faith. Believe even though you may not understand everything. Faith and faith alone in Jesus grants salvation. However, He will do whatever is necessary to get your attention and grant salvation to you. Sometimes, the pathway isn’t pleasant. It depends oftentimes just how obedient you are. Gabriel was explicit in delivering his message to Mary. These four statements were a part of Gabriel’s message to Mary. (Luke 1:32)

  • “You shall conceive in your womb and bear a son”
  • “You shall call His name JESUS”
  • “He shall be great and will be called “the Son of the Highest” the Son of the Most High”
  • He shall reign and give him the throne of His son David” (who is in the regal line and this was promised to him.

God did all these miraculous things to bring His Son into this world to be “God with us.” This is the incarnation. God in the flesh. God decided that his human creation needed the saviour because we were just going way off the script. And many are still bypassing the script (the Bible) altogether. It’s not working now and it’s not going to work. Get on board. ““For with God nothing shall be impossible.” The Lord said that to Sarah and Abraham too. They were way past child bearing age, but the Lord saw fit for them to have the child He had promised them. He has a mission to accomplish and will not be stopped. AND Jesus is coming back. The adversary will make attempts to stop what the Lord wants to bring about, but the Lord is determined to do what He wants to do. Stay faithful. Stay prayed up. Don’t let your children “go to the devil.” Don’t be afraid of your children. They may think they know more than you, but don’t give up” on them. Pray them into obedience. Speak good into their lives. Speak prosperity into their lives. See the good in them; but correct them also. We don’t need “no more” criminals. We “got enough of them (too many)” Going around shoot’n and killing up people..too many using drugs and vaping. Society tries to fool everybody. Don’t believe the lies. Those flavored addictive vapes, marijuana, cocaine, fentanyl, meth, etc. and other drugs are baaad. Get on board with Jesus. He’s the only sure vaccine. Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, LA 90043 323-293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) Inquiring Minds Want To Know-All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © Askdrjeanetteparker.successontheway@gmail.com  . www.todaysfreshstart.org 323-293-9826. 4514 Crenshaw BL, LA 90043 Reference: Bible: The Holy Bible. Errors? Let me know. Dial in Sundays for music & message: 11:30am {1-712-775-8971—code 266751}