“What’s the Dress?” Part 2
Where is your place in this world? Where is my place in this world? Where is the confessed Christian’s place in this world? What are we to do? Where do we go? Wake up! All is not lost! Nothing is lost.
Where is your place in this world? Where is my place in this world? Where is the confessed Christian’s place in this world? What are we to do? Where do we go? Wake up! All is not lost! Nothing is lost.
You see people all the time and watch them everyday. Right. Sometimes we can become people watchers instead of bird watchers.
WoW! I feel kinda sad to leave the subject of the Lamb taking the Title Deed to the earth!
Before this, the apostle had seen only the great God, the governor of all things. Now, the apostle is favored with a sight of the model and methods of the great God’s government, as they are all written down in a book which he holds in his hand. Now, we are now to consider as shut up and sealed in the hand of God. Let’s look at this.
If you have read about one surrounded by living creatures, which have “in the midst of the throne and round about the throne and who is full of eyes before and behind; one living creature like a lion; and the second living creature like a calf and the third living creature has a face as a man and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle” (Revelation 4:6-7).
Around 822-800 B.C., Syria and Israel had not been at war for about three years. Jehoshaphat (king of Judah) visited Ahab (king of Israel). Ahab was talking to his employees (servants) reminding them about a territory that belonged to them.
“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 17:9-23; Mark 8:31;Luke 9:22)
Perhaps you may have learned, as I have, that reading and studying the scriptures offer some of the highest levels of intellectual reading as well as it is entertaining soothing, comforting, engaging and even fun!
Has anyone ever been so truthful to tell you that you have an imbalanced diet? If your diet is: “self” for breakfast, “self” for lunch, “self” for dinner and “self” for snack” and if your sole (soul) diet is considering only self, I think you have a Nimrod diet.
About 2185 (We’re going to look back at Nimrod), here we go again trying to make sense of things of the past and things in the immediate present and near future near and far.
A.I. is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot or systems to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans.
When the men of the city brought the woman taken in adultery (in the very act), their motive was to prove that Jesus would disobey the law. Rather than doing so, He asked them a conscience cleansing question, “Who among you has not sinned? You throw the first stone.”
Old Testament wisdom does not fail to give modern advice for the times of today – New Testament times. When Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, came to the Ahab, king of Israel, he does not appear to be aware that his friend had a proposition for him.
Oftentimes I have looked at the passages about Cain, the firstborn of Adam and Eve. The part of most interest for me was why did Cain take the attitude of disobedience, which turned into anger. And as anger does, it takes on a life unto itself so that the good is strangled.
Our challenges today are many. We have competition with television and all the programs, commercials about this new medicine and that, and new names being created without number.