Brian W. Carter

Intern Spotlight: Faith Petrie and Talley Morton 

The Sentinel has always had the pleasure of receiving the best and brightest interns within the Editorial Department—and this year was no exception. Faith Petrie and Talley Morton have both contributed top-notch stories to the paper this summer. They both shared a little about themselves, their internship, goals and some advice for their peers. 

Words of the Week – Meet the Greens: Part 3

  Jealousy, the leader of the pack, the oldest of the Greens siblings, is a true monster. While Envy and Covetousness play havoc with the people around them, Jealousy sits and watches. The oldest sibling, Jealousy is devoted to doing whatever is necessary to accomplish the goal. “Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?”- Proverbs 27:4 One definition of the state of being jealous is described as “hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage.” “The Green-Eyed Monster” is very dangerous because it lives in blind rage. Jealousy is a subtle creature.