The God over all the earth can mold, strengthen, and cultivate a meek, humble person. That’s very good news! Your voice doesn’t have to be the loudest, nor does your facial expression have to be mean-looking and frowning.
When God passed on Moses’ mantle, he gave it to a mighty warrior, Joshua, who was brave, strong and courageous. He persisted in telling him, “Be strong and courageous. Be not afraid. Do not be dismayed. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
God put that in him. He had challenges to face. He had to search out the land. He had to guide the Israelite people in searching for the “promised land.” God was confident that he could get the job done. He, along with Caleb (one of my most favorite O.T. bible persons), and representatives of the 12 tribes, went into Canaan to see what in the land.
Joshua and Caleb returned with hope and confidence that they could take the land just as God had directed them to do. The others were weak and fearful, saying there are giants in the land, and they looked like grasshoppers compared to them.
They saw the riches of the land, but they allowed fear to stop them. But the Joshua and Caleb did not give up. They returned and brought back an encouraging report to the whole body.
It was due to their fearfulness that they still didn’t have full possession of the land. Joshua was charged with the duty of conquering Jericho. There were two spies sent out to search Jericho to be destroyed. The two spies went forth into Jericho and guess where the first stop was? It was at the harlot, Rahab’s (prostitute) house. That’s how the Old Testament described her.
Nevertheless, there was no disdain in her description and her act of fearlessness and bravery. She knew beforehand exactly what was going on. Therefore, she had firsthand knowledge of what was being planned for Jericho. She had hidden the two spies to protect them in their mission of destruction and to bring out her family. She told the two spies everyone was trembling with fear for they knew they were coming to destroy Jericho.
When they came to Rahab’s house, she hid them among the flax on her house. She told king’s men that she had sent the two men away and directed in what direction they went. And of course, she didn’t tell them the exact way they went. In the meantime, Joshua’s men talked with Rahab. She bargained with them for their lives and the lives of her family and to protect their mission.
She described to the two men (Joshua’s) her knowledge of what God had done before, “We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you, when you came out of Egypt and what you did to the two Amorite kings who you utterly destroyed. When we heard these things our hearts melted with fear and every man had no more courage. (Joshua 2:10-14) And when the Lord has given you the land, swear to us that because of this kindness shown you, you will protect all my family.”
They made an agreement together and used a “red cord,” which was let down through the window. This red cord is similar to the blood on the doors of the Hebrews when they were escaping from the Pharaoh in Egypt. This red cord or scarlet thread was used as a guide to safety.
Prophetic, it spoke to the foretelling of security and salvation in Christ Jesus.
She bound the scarlet line in the window and did as they instructed. Reading on into the account, we find that Joshua parted the Jordan River and like Moses, parted the Red Sea as the guiding path of escape for the Israelites seeking the promised land. The Lord assured in Joshua 6:2, “I have given into your hand Jericho and Jericho’s king and his mighty men of valor.”
He tells them what they should do to completely take the land. He gave specific instructions: when to blow the trumpets, when to march around the city, how many trumpets to blow, and when to blow them. He uses the number seven (a perfect number) several times (Joshua 6:3-16). After marching and blowing the trumpets the seventh time, the priests must blow the trumpets “for the Lord has given you the city.” The Lord cursed the city to total destruction.
The people heard the sound of the trumpet and the people shouted with a great shout. The city wall fell flat. Joshua saved Rahab’s father’s entire household. Matthew 1:5 tells us, “Rahab married Salmon, in the line of the Messiah.” The People were obedient to complete the Lord’s work.
What can we say to these things? “If God is for us, who can be against us.” God had placed Rahab in the right place, at the right time, to interface for the saving of the Israelites! So, we see why not to be prejudiced against nor to look down on anyone The Lord has a work for each of us if we will accept His invitation.
Rahab asked for something more valuable than silver or gold. She asked for the lives of her father’s household. Her motive and intent of her heart was pure.
Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043, 323-293-9826, www.todaysfreshstart.org, (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © Errors? Or Questions? Please let me know. Join Sundays for music and message at 11:30 a.m. by calling (712) 775-8971, code 266751. References: The Holy Bible.