I need to do my disclaimer up front. Can you please allow me to have a good ‘ol barbershop conversation and share with you my thoughts about the debate last week and what I saw? For all of you that say ‘OKAY’ and will continue reading, buckle up Black people, this is going to be a rough ride!
Last week, we saw history in the making when Vice President Kamala Harris pimp slapped Donald J. (jackass) Trump all over the stage during their first and only presidential debate. It was beautiful for me to see because it so reminded me of my Mother. She too was a strong Black woman who could look evil in the face and confront it head on.
What made it so wonderful for me was that the debate came on the eve of my mother’s transition (9/11) which allowed me to celebrate and remember her strength as a Black woman and not so much mourn her passing.
Watching VP Harris walk out on that stage, and head directly over to the coward and look him in his eyes and say, ‘Kamala Harris’, as if to say, “Okay little man, let’s do this.”
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Did any of you guys hear many of the political pundits before the debate saying, “Maybe she should try and not stand next to Trump because he’s so much taller than her, and that may make her look weak?” Well guess what, Goliath was much taller than David and like Goliath, Trump got his ass kicked.
Another thing that was so lovely for me was to see this Black woman do what almost every cowardly White, Brown, Asian and a handful of house-negro-republicans dared not to do — she put a punk in his place. I don’t care what your political affiliation is, who you love (ya’ll know what I mean), or how much you admire his money, Trump was totally over matched and was shown on the world stage to be an intellectual midget and to be a 78-year-old undiagnosed, early onset dementia patient.
I don’t know if VP Harris won over any new voters after the debate. However, I do know that she totally eviscerated that clown on the world stage! And also showing the entire world that he is in no way mentally equipped to govern a country as dysfunctional as these yet-to-be United States of America.
To all my MAGA friends, if you have the courage to admit what we all know to be true, and you’re still a supporter of this carnival barker — I pray that you’re a part of the top one percent because if you’re not, you’re going to be in for a rude awakening if this fool wins.
If you have a modicum of knowledge about politics, then you know those rich folks that are supporting Trump are only doing so because they know that they can and will pimp this idiot. Knowing all they need to do is stroke his ego and not his genitals, after all, not even Melania is doing that. I only wish we could say the same for Ivanka. I can hear some of you saying, “Now Tony Wafford, you’re going too far now.” No, I’m not! I’m only pointing out what he said, you do remember when Trump said and I quote, “If she (Ivanka) wasn’t my daughter, I’d be dating her.” How sick is that? I told you this was going to be a rough ride!
If this buffoon were to win you do know that those wealthy supporters, the one-percenters, are positioning themselves to rape, rob, pillage, plunder, pollute, and deplete this nation and the world. To all my red MAGA hat wearing trailer park people and you hand full of house negroes enamored by wealth and whiteness; y’all ain’t got nothing coming!
The only thing the trailer park people will be able to celebrate is that the president, like them, is white and just as ignorant as they are, as they sit back in their recliner drinking beer. And all you Tim Scott house negros, the only thing you’re going to be able to celebrate is that you were able to pick your master but you’re still a slave.
I said it was going to be a rough ride; but as for me I’m tired of us whispering what needs to be said out loud! I spoke up, so now let’s get up and hit these streets. Let’s call our family members, friends, past and present, and together do our part to carry our sister across the finish line!