More than 300+ people converged at the exhibit hall behind West Angeles Cathedral for the Financial Awareness Investing in Total Health (FAITH) Expo on July 14.
Sponsored by the West Angeles Community Development Corporation (WACDC), the event connected South L.A. residents with 50 agencies offering financial services, health and fitness information, wealth building strategies, and asset protection products. Also, face-painting, backpack giveaways, and a game truck were available to entertain young people.

Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr., WACDC chairman emeritus and pastor West Angeles Church of God in Christ, and Dr. Belinda Allen, WACDC executive director, were on hand to greet attendees and vendors along with congratulating Pedetta Higgins, WACDC director of Home Ownership and Financial Capabilities, for organizing the resource fair.
“We wanted to merge the community together with our partners to help residents be in a better position with their credit, finances and their physical health,” said Higgins. “We appreciate so many people coming out and learning about improving their lives holistically.”
Participants in the WACDC’s Young in L.A. Mentoring Program also played a role in the event, said Ron Taylor, WACDC housing counselor. The mentoring program aims to expose young men with troubled backgrounds to educational and employment options and routes to a better future.
“The Young in L.A. members served as ambassadors and assisted vendors in setting up booths, directed the speakers to their spots, and had an opportunity to interact with business owners,” explained Taylor.
According to Higgins, the vendors included LAUSD, fitness instructors, medical professionals, nutrition experts, realtors and representatives from Cathay Bank, Blue Shield of California, Charles Drew University of Science and Medicine, Bank of America, Citi Bank, U.S. Bank and City National Bank.
To learn more about programs offered by WACDC, visit westangelescdc.org.