Dr. Jeanette Parker 

Perhaps, now the elections are over; however, some things do not change and I suspect we all would like to hear what The Almighty God is speaking to us, guiding us and telling us what to do and where to go. So, what should we do? Where do we go? What is He Saying? All these questions can be answered and have already been laid before us in the Holy Bible. The scriptures tell us, “this is the way.” (Isaiah 30:21) Walk in this way. You will hear a voice saying, “This is the way. Walk in it when you move to the right and move to the left.” His Holy Spirit is ever present with those of us who believe in Jesus Christ. During Old Testament times, God’s Holy Spirit was present. He would guide His followers in the right way. (Proverbs 8:20) He sent His pillar of cloud (His supernatural presence) by day to guide them in the wilderness whether by day and by night a pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21; 14:19-20). His Divine presence guided them through the wilderness without fail. The wilderness can represent what we are going through now, today. The day cloud sheltered them from the hot sun. The fire sheltered them by night. This was produced because of God’s supernatural way to do things.

“When armies marched long distances they had a communication method. They lighted a brazier of burning coals to carry at the front of the march. At night, the flames provided a fire which could be seen for miles. During the day, water poured on the coals gave off an easily recognized cloud of smoke and steam. The rear-guard marched toward the cloud and would not get lost. They would see the light ahead of them.”(Word In Life Study Bible) God is still leading us today. Prophets, apostles and disciples in the Bible were spoken to through dreams and visions and divine appearances. He still speaks to us today through the Bible. His instructions are very clear.

Obey my will…my guidance. However, some instructions are still the same where God tells us to walk in his way, follow his path, listen for His voice. His voice doesn’t always come rapidly as soon as you ask Him questions or seek His guidance. Patience. Patience. He tells us whatever we ask him for, he will give it to us; (John 14:13) but we have responsibility to Him that we follow his ways of righteousness. Here’s the thing….God is merciful, kind, forgiving, patient. He is “the way.” He is “the truth.” He is “the life.” His way to get to that heavenly place is through Jesus Christ alone. We have His Holy Spirit. (John 14:15-17) The Holy Spirit is our “Advocate and our Comforter.” He speaks to God on our behalf….interceding for us. His condition is this: Love Him, seek His ways, follow His ways.

His presence within us gives us peace that He is with us all the time, through the fire…through the storms….through the hurricanes…through the pandemic….through the earthquakes and all conditions. He is always with us… always. Fear not! He never leaves us…never forsakes us. Somebody needs these words of encouragement today. We all need to be encouraged. Stay with Him. Abide in Him. Read your Bible.

Thanks for reading!

Jeanette Grattan Parker, Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 323-293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org; Askdrjeanette@gmail.com. Tm Askdrjeanette.successontheway@gmail.com tm “Inquiring minds want to know.”© All rights reserved©Askdrjeanetteparker.com tm TodaysFreshStart.org Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 323-293-9826.