More than 40 colleges, universities, HBCUs, community colleges, vocational schools and academies, (including representatives from seven University of California campuses), are expected to participate in the “Hoops and Options College and Career Fair,” hosted by First AME Church of Los Angeles (FAME).
The event will be held on the church’s campus at 2270 S. Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, on Friday, November 25, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Workshops for students, grade 8 and up, on a variety of topics, will be featured including college life, community college transfer guarantee program, careers in technology, health care, and sports management and the LAPD Police Orientation and Preparation Program. The WNBA’s Sparks organization will host a booth and KJLH radio station will broadcast live. The event is free and open to the public.
“Our college fair will expose students to the variety of colleges and career options available and we are hopeful that this event will help them to make informed decisions about their educational future,” said Pastor J. Edgar Boyd.
Also, several civic, community and private agencies will provide employment information and/or recruiting for open or upcoming positions, including Metro, LAPD, L.A. Fire Department, Wells Fargo and more.
The event’s coordinators, Sue Beidleman and Dr. Paula Du Bois, said this is the first in what will become an annual event and is part of a broader FAME educational initiative to assist youth in the community.