The Sisters Ministry is on a world-wide mission to empower, strengthen and inspire God’s women, one woman at a time. The goal may seem impossible to many, but not to Minister D’Antoinette Williams.
Through worship services, workshops, conferences, and prayer, she has encouraged hundreds of thousands of women since starting her ministry nearly 19 years ago.
“We will literally go through the crowd, minister to one person, knowing that if we touch her, she will touch someone else that we may never have an opportunity to minister to,” she said.
Reflecting on the beginnings of The Sisters Ministry, Minister Williams recalled, “We began with monthly fellowships for women in my local church. However, I knew that God had greatness in me that was meant to be shared with women beyond our four walls.
“As we began to reach outside of ourselves, God has grown The Sisters Ministry to a national level and in September 2014, we will launch The Sisters Ministry in Africa, moving us to an international status,” she shared.
Last month, Minister Williams and The Sisters Ministry presented the ‘Release Your Greater You’ Vision Board Workshop. The focus was on turning hopes and desires into reality.
“We taught attendees how to put their goals and dreams on paper, and into action. Our plan is to follow-up with quarterly check-in and mentoring sessions,” said Minister Williams.
“On March 22, we’ll host our Queen Esther’s Prayer Breakfast where over 300 women will come to experience a time in His presence through prayer, and the preached word of God.
“Our guest speaker will be the anointed Dr. Yvonne Capehart of Sister Keeper Ministries in Pensacola, Florida. This is an event where I want women to enjoy their beauty in the Lord, a place saturated in prayer and fasting.”
This summer, the ministry will hold its 2014 Sisters Retreat, ‘It’s Not Over,’ on July 31 through August 2, at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa in Rancho Mirage, California. In addition to activities for women, sessions will be available for men and young ladies from ages 11-23.
An ongoing program of The Sisters Ministry is the 30-minute ‘Tuesday Morning Prayer PUSH.’
“Our prayer line is where we’ll pray until something happens from 5 a.m. to 5:30 a.m., followed by fasting until noon. All are invited to join our prayer line at (605) 475-4001, access code is 521025#,” she said.
Although experiencing much success thus far, Minister Williams, who is a member of Holy Land Church of God In Christ in San Bernardino, continues to seek ways to share with women of God. “Our goal is to continue the work we have begun by ministering to women in the Hispanic community. We are not looking to only reach African American women. We want to reach women, period,” she declared.
“And to leave you with a word of wisdom, I believe that we must daily strive to live and walk in holiness. Holiness is the door that opens to God’s favor. Some say that favor is not fair, but favor is for me.”
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