The hands of time have passed once again to the dawning of a new year. It is time for us to realize our true potential and really go after it. We do not have to play ourselves small in order to help others feel big.
When I was a little girl, time seemed to go by so slowly, but my grandmother would say, just keep lying down and getting up and before you know it you will be an old woman. Although I am now a grandmother, most days I do not feel old, but I do understand what my grandmother was saying.
Time waits for no one. Whatever you plan to do with your life, now is the time. Stop procrastinating, stop complaining, stop making excuses, and do what you know you are supposed to do. Stop making New Year’s resolutions that you never keep and start making promises to yourself that you will follow through on.
All of us are born with specific gifts. We are also told that our gifts will make room for us. If you are not sure what your gifts are, just think about what you do well or what comes naturally. Also, think about what you are complimented about from your friends and family.
Years ago, while attending a bible study for women, I was told that my gifts were hospitality and encouragement. I was in my 20s back then and honestly, I did not think they were really much of a gift. But as time has passed, they have been at the cornerstone of almost everything I do.
When I was operating a full event management company, I worked in the hospitality industry, and now as a coach and consultant, it is my joy to encourage people on their journey. So, never belittle the gift God has given you. You might just have to think out of the box on how you can use them not only for His glory, but also as a profession in life.
As I look back over the past few years, some of us fell into a slump due to the pandemic, the death of loved ones, wars breaking out everywhere, depression, and the fear of the unknown. We cannot allow ourselves to live in fear, which is false evidence appearing real. We must face reality and look at how we can use our gifts, talents, and resources to make a difference in the world.
I believe no matter what negative situations we may have experienced there is still a lot to be thankful for. I am going to get off the floor in 2024 and reach for the sky to give my best in all that I commit to doing. There will be many doors that will open in’24, but it is up to each of us to walk through them and make a difference in the unique way we are gifted to do. Do not be afraid to succeed and soar.
Brian Williams said, “You may find that making a difference for others makes the biggest difference in you.” When we take our eyes off our own problems or situations and start looking at how we can help others or make a difference in the world the world opens for us. It is in helping others and living out our true calling that we find our best selves and true satisfaction.
I am excited to see what 2024 will bring because whatever it is we can get through it together and help lift others along the way. Will you join me?
Happy New Year!
Healing Without Hate: It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on.
Visit www.WendyGladney.com and www.forgivingforliving.org to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker.