
Sept. 10
As part of its efforts to expand water conservation programs for its communities, West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) has launched its first-ever greywater workshop series. The workshops are designed to educate residents on the safe and legal use of greywater and showcase an innovative technique to reduce residential water use. A total of five classes have been scheduled in the District’s service area this summer. West Basin’s scheduled greywater workshops include: July 30-City of Culver City – City Hall (Dan Patacchia Room), Culver City; Aug. 20 – City of Inglewood – City Hall, Inglewood; Sept. 10 – City of Hawthorne Memorial Center, Hawthorne. Funding partners for West Basin’s greywater workshops include the Water Replenishment District of Southern California and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California who contributed $3,750 and $2,000, respectively, towards the five workshops. Reservations are required for all classes. To register, please RSVP to the South Bay Environmental Services Center at www.sbesc.com/calendar/workshops/greywater or call (310) 371-4633. For more information about West Basin and its water conservation programs, please visit West Basin’s water conservation website.