West Basin


West Basin, a provider of drinking and recycled water supplies for nearly 1 million people in coastal Los Angeles County, nominated Dominguez Technology Center for the Recycled Water Customer of the Year Award. The award recognizes innovative organizations who have advanced the use and acceptance of recycled water. The annual award is given out by WateReuse California. West Basin Board Vice President, Harold C. Williams, accepted this year’s award on behalf of all the project partners.

West Basin Announces First-Ever Greywater Workshop Series

Sept. 10 As part of its efforts to expand water conservation programs for its communities, West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) has launched its first-ever greywater workshop series. The workshops are designed to educate residents on the safe and legal use of greywater and showcase an innovative technique to reduce residential water use. A total of five classes have been scheduled in the District’s service area this summer. West Basin’s scheduled greywater workshops include: July 30-City of Culver City – City Hall (Dan Patacchia Room), Culver City; Aug. 20 – City of Inglewood – City Hall, Inglewood; Sept. 10

Inglewood City Council Votes to Support West Basin’s Responsible Ocean Water Desalination Program

  West Basin Municipal Water District Board of Directors from left to right: Donald L. Dear, Carol W. Kwan, Gloria D. Gray, Harold C. Williams and Scott Houston. (courtesy photo) INGLEWOOD, Calif. – Following the West Basin Municipal Water District’s (West Basin) briefing on its responsible Ocean Water Desalination Program to the Inglewood City Council on May 17, the city council supported the district’s desalination program contingent on West Basin meeting specific conditions. The city’s support for a responsible desalination program is based on West Basin’s commitment to the following conditions: that the proposed project meet and/or surpass the new