West Angeles Community Development Corporation will sponsor the Financial Awareness Investing in Total Health (FAITH) Expo.
The event takes place on Saturday, July 14, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at West Angeles Church of God in Christ, 3600 S. Crenshaw Blvd., in Los Angeles. The Right Rev. Charles E. Blake, COGIC presiding prelate, is the host pastor.
According to Executive Director Belinda Allen, “The FAITH Expo will feature education and resource series on financial products and services, health and fitness, wealth building strategies, and asset protection.
“Also, this event will help prepare consumers to compete for financial products, acquire sustainable homeownership, and entrepreneurship and live a healthier lifestyle.”
In addition, the expo will offer information on the Child ID Program along with nutrition and fitness instruction. Other highlights include clean comedy, backpack giveaways and a game truck.
For registration and vendor information, visit westangelescdc.org or call Pedetta Higgins at (323-751-3440.