For the 11th consecutive year, the Homeless Ministry of Trinity Baptist Church conducted a successful Blanket Drive to aid homeless men, women and children living on L.A.’s skid row.
According to Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr., and homeless activist Brian Ferguson, Trinity congregants and community members donated more than 400 new blankets and pillows during the annual event held on Dec. 15. Following the collection, the Trinity team immediately traveled to skid row to distribute the items along with hygiene bags, hand warmers, socks, tarps, rain ponchos, water and prayer.
“Our theme was ‘Be a Blessing to Others’ based on Genesis 12:2 and once again, people responded to our call for donations. We thank God for their contributions, which help so many who are suffering,” said Tunstill.
Ferguson, who noted that the Word of Life Christian Bookstore gave two big boxes of socks, spearheads Trinity’s Homeless Ministry and said the church will continue to accept donations for the next two months.
“The weather is cold and people desperately need the blankets, pillows and other items to survive,” he said. “Our main goal is to introduce people to Christ in the hope that they will accept Him as their Savior. The blankets pave the way to opening hearts and minds, but the word of God never fades away.”
A homeless advocate for 23 years, Ferguson joins with Trinity volunteers to offer year-round services such as meals, grooming and toiletries. He has also participated in more than 50 marathons with all donations earmarked for the homeless ministry.
“The need is so great and now, there are so many women and children without shelter. But, God answers prayer and He inspires a lot of people to donate to our ministry,” said Ferguson.
To learn more about the Blanket Drive or how your church can become involved, call (323) 735-0044.