As one of the nation’s foremost fundraisers for Historically Black Colleges & Universities, the Tom Joyner Foundation announced that it has named Huston-Tillotson University in Austin as its May 2019 School of the Month.
Formed by the host of the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show, the foundation unveiled the names of the 2019 schools as part of its on-going effort to assist these institutions in broadening and strengthening their efforts to raise money to help keep students attending HBCUs.
As one of the Tom Joyner Foundation ‘Schools of the Month’, Huston-Tillotson will be promoted by the Tom Joyner Morning Show and receive those funds raised from listeners, alumni and other interested parties that month. The show, aired in more than 90 markets around the country, reaches more than 10 million people via its various media platforms.
“HBCUs are a part of my DNA,” said Joyner, a graduate of Tuskegee University, is the foundation’s chairman and host of the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show. “Now more than ever, we’ve got to support these schools and their students. HBCUs offer a nurturing, tough love, family environment that has led to contributors to communities around the world.”
You can donate to Huston-Tillotson by going to TomJoynerFoundation.org/donate or text HTURAMS to 41444.
The remaining 2019 schools are:
June: Fort Valley State, Fort Valley, Ga.
July: Open Month
August: Delaware State University, Dover, Del.
September: Jackson State University, Jackson, Miss.
October: Alabama State University, Montgomery, Ala.
November: Howard University, Washington, D.C.
December: Open Month
About The Tom Joyner Foundation
The Tom Joyner Foundation (http://tomjoynerfoundation.org) was founded in 1998 as the brainchild of nationally syndicated radio personality Tom Joyner. The mission of the Foundation is to support historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) with scholarships, endowments and capacity-building enhancements. The Foundation has provided necessary support to every HBCU in its 19-year history to help sustain and preserve the legacies of these valuable institutions. Through fundraising and donor development initiatives, in excess of $65 million has been raised to support more than 29,000 students attending HBCUs. Additionally, the Foundation has recommended internships, offered matching grant support, and career development to deserving students.