I believe for the last two or three weeks, I have spoken to you through art: live flowers and personally drawn artwork. When we look at “that which is higher than we are” our thoughts are removed to another level of enlightenment. We remove ourselves from the mundane to the ethereal and infinite, toward the divine. We are not in and of ourselves complete. Only through HIM can we begin to see our completeness, which is only a shadow of the most beautiful to come. One piece of artwork “Suddenly and Without Remedy” showed even the coronavirus. Those were the little dots (virus) in the air. If you study that piece, you will see its prophetic value. Not only are we in a pandemic right now, but we are also in an employment famine. Think about it. Millions of people unemployed.
Everything was stopped, grinded down to a halt. Go inside. Stay inside. Don’t come out until I say so. People had and many yet still do not have open businesses, jobs and no income. Work slowdown to a halt. Production diminished. Many wealthy were looking for toilet paper, couldn’t find it. Friends had to scrap around and bring it over. Production of all goods stopped, slowed down. Start up again, significant increase in coronavirus cases. Here we go again round and around.” I don’t think we can control the nations of the world, especially now, perhaps, they are now saying, “I’ve got your number and I know where you live and I know where you work and I know you hardly have any employment to go to work. You talk about getting back to where we were…I don’t see that happening either. Who really wants to go back to “the way we were.” Look at the intense fight over racism. Humfp, humfp, humfp. What a tragedy! Full of impatience and pretense.” It’s out now and there’s no pushing it back into the genie’s test tube. Everyone pays a price: guilty or not guilty! “bang.” The nations rage and imagine a vain thing. “For many will come in my name to impersonate me! They are impostors with a trickbag of deception. Do not be fooled. Many will be deceived and left with no recourse but to join the backsliders and outright sinners! There’s still a chance for those so will catch up and will not be left behind. I will have to come back to this; for right now, go with me to last week’s artwork “Woman of Courage.” She’s more than dynamic! She’s a brown woman who has been through a lot. Her heart is broken, but full of fiery love. Her hair is that of a warrior with royal feathers and her head is HOT! She is single minded, focused with “the divine eye.” Her heart is so broken that she cries blood for her tears. She has a purple heart for meeting all her challenges and still survives with courage to go on. She’s a Woman of God. Brave. Bold, tenacious! She never gives up!
Thanks for reading!!!!
Ask Dr. Jeanette Parker tm Ask Dr. Jeanette tm www.AskDrJeanetteParker.com tm ; Articles copyright © “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” Jeanette Parker Founder-Superintendent:Today’s Fresh Start Charter School www.todaysfreshstart.org askdrjeanette.successontheway@gmail.com Ref: AskJeanette tm www.askjeanetteparker.com All artwork is copyright protected. All rights reserved. Not to be used without Dr. Jeanette’s written permission upon request.